Chapter Thirty-Five

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Olivia struggled. Growing a child was exhausting on its own, but on top of trying to heal was a challenge. She was broken, at her lowest, and she had to find a way out of the hole she'd fallen into.

Therapy. Hospital stays. Support.

Without those three things, she wouldn't have made it out of this trauma alive. Nick was her biggest support, being gentle with her and never crossing a boundary or line as she learned how to be loved again. Her therapist gave her the tools to work through PTSD, and helped her to trust Nick again. It allowed them to nurture a deeper connection with each other through the midst of all the bad. Her pregnancy was rough, she'd been raped at eleven weeks - then proceeded to heal and face her assaulter in court at the trial. She watched Maria and her accomplices get sentenced away for a long while. Although Olivia felt guilt for taking Zara's mother away the little girl made sure to assure Olivia the only Mommy needed was her.

As months passed Nick proposed, assuring Olivia the only person he wanted was her. The ceremony was small; they'd combined it with their baby shower to get it out of the way before it happened.

"Nicholas?" Olivia squeaked out squeezing her husband's shoulder.

"Hmm, " he hummed groggily, rolling over to face his wife.

"I'm having contractions, babe."

"Okay, " he rubs his eyes and locks them with hers, "have you had a few or just one?"

"Just three so far, about 15 minutes apart."

"She's not wasting any time, aye?" Nick chuckles turning on his bedside lamp.

"I guess not."

Olivia lays back against the mountain of photos, taking a few deep breaths while Nicholas moves around the bedroom preparing it for Olivia's labor.

"You still want to have the baby here?" Nick questions as he starts the diffuser and soft music.

"Yes, " Olivia nods, holding her shirt-clad bump.

"Okay, " Nick nods, sliding back into bed beside his wife.

By six Olivia was experiencing close contractions and signs of it being time to push. Her midwife had arrived a few hours prior, so while Nick ran a warm bath they stood together as Olivia used the bed as leverage.

"You're doing great, Olivia, keep breathing."

"Mmhm, " Olivia grunted, feeling the counter pressure on her hips.

"Bathtubs ready, " Nicholas offered from the threshold of the en suite.

He moved to Olivia's side and helped her into the tub before sinking in with her to help her. They'd gone back and forth over how Olivia had wanted to labor with this pregnancy, and after all the trauma Olivia decided at home would be best for her.

By eight a baby girl was crying her lungs out on Olivia's chest, as the latter's shaky hands held her tightly. Nicholas' strong hands wrapped around his wife's as he kissed the top of her sweaty hair.

"You did great, Liv." Nick smiled, as his wife lay in their bed nursing.

"You helped, she wouldn't be here without you."

"Mmhm, " Nick hummed, "but you did the hard work, I just supported you along the way."

"It takes a village."

"That it does."

"Thank you, " Olivia sighed.

"Don't thank me, you are the strongest, most fearless, and loving woman I know, Olivia. You've overcome the most in the last few months. Now we get to start anew. Me, You, Zara, August, Silas, Mamí, and sweet little Mirabelle."

"Mirabelle, our gift."

"Our gift, " Nick repeated, gently cradling his daughter's head full of hair.


The family grew, and as the years passed it was never a dull moment. Zara studied hard and was finishing the top of her high school class. She'd written an extraordinary entrance essay and was off to Harvard for the fall.

August and Silas were wild as ever just finishing their first year of junior high and between August's sports and Silas' musical and literary commitments it seemed their parents never had time for themselves as they divided to conquer all the events that came with spring.

Mirabelle was the youngest and strangest of the Amaro children. She was just a little over a year younger than her brothers, but she'd been stuck to her older sister's side since the day she was born. Mirabelle was the quietest of the group of kids focusing on the fine arts, and falling in love with stringed instruments and activities like ballet. She was the delicate one, never in the dirt and rarely in the sun.

"Mirabelle?" Olivia questioned when she pulled into the driveway after bedtime one night to find her youngest in the front yard hammock.

"Momma, you're home, " she squealed quietly, setting a bookmark in her book.

"What are you doing out here? It's past your bedtime."

"Daddy said I could wait for you, " she shrugged while walking up the front steps with her mom.

"He did?" Olivia said as Nick met them both at the door, "you said she could stay up to see me into the house?"

"Wow, no hello?" Nick chuckled, stealing a kiss from his wife, "yes, I said she could stay up, I could see you were on your way home."

"Ah, " Olivia nodded, kissing her daughter's head, "off to bed my youngling, goodnight."

"Goodnight, " Mirabelle smiled, climbing the stairs.

Once out of sight Nick wrapped Olivia in his arms and held her tight. She nuzzled her head into his neck, returning the squeeze as she matched his breath.

"Good day?"

"Long, " Olivia sighed.

"There's a hot bath and a bottle of red wine waiting for you upstairs, let me lock up and I'll meet you up there."

"God, you're something out of one of my wildest dreams, " Olivia smiled, as he dipped her into a tender kiss before sending her off.

The End.

A/N: GirlandHerKeyboard and I appreciate you guys reading this story so much. Please take the time to add her profile as our next joint book will be posted there. Keep a look out for Love From Benson and Stabler, coming soon!

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