Chapter Twenty-Two

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Olivia continued to be in pain throughout that night and into the next day. She had a hard time sleeping, and spent most of her night pacing or in the shower. Olivia wanted to ask Nick for help, but she was so angry at him that she kept stopping herself from leaving the room and finding him.

As the sun rose, she left the bedroom and padded to the kitchen in search of anything that could help with her pain. She went straight to get ice, and when she turned around Nick was standing in the doorway.

“How are you feeling?” He asked plainly. Nick didn’t want to say much more than that, because he didn’t want Olivia to go off on him again.

“I feel perfectly fine. I just wanted to chew on ice.” Olivia huffed. 

“Okay.” Nick frowned. He turned around and walked back into the living room. He flipped on the TV and listened to his girlfriend making noise in the kitchen. 

He turned the volume up a little more, but he couldn’t stop focusing on Olivia. She would grunt and whimper every few minutes and then eventually she said Nick’s name.

“Nicholas?” Olivia asked weakly.

“Yeah?” Nick yawned.

“I need your help.”

“With what?” Nick asked, without moving his eyes from the TV.

“I’m in a lot of pain and I need… please rub my back for me. Nothing is working and I’m so exhausted.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to over-step.” Nick replied. He felt like they were back to square one. That Olivia hated him just as much as before.

“Please… I’m begging you. I need help.” Olivia whimpered.

Nick stood quickly before walking to Olivia. He placed one hand to her lower back, and the other to her swollen stomach.

“Where is the pain, Liv?” Nick asked.

“It usually starts in my back and works its way into my belly.” 

“Okay. We are going to head to the hospital. Go pack your bag and I’ll make some calls.”

“What?! Why are we going into the hospital? Nick, I’m fine! I’m just not made to carry twins!” Olivia cried, as Nick left her side to find his phone.

“I believe that you may be having contractions. Now, I could be wrong. But I’d rather have Dr. Lee examine you and tell us what is happening, instead of risking you delivering our babies nine weeks early in our bed.”

“I’m scared, Nicholas.” Olivia whimpered.

“I am too. But we will be okay. I promise.”


Nick informed his mother about what was happening and made a few calls to the hospital before leading his girlfriend outside. The ride to the hospital was mostly silent, except for the occasional whimper or swear word that Olivia muttered.

The ER was pretty quiet when they arrived, and Dr. Lee was waiting outside for them. She got Olivia situated in a wheelchair before pushing her towards an intake room. Nick sat outside of the room and waited for what seemed like hours before Dr. Lee came out.

“It was good that you brought her in.” Dr. Lee smiled weakly, as she stood in front of the nervous father-to-be.

“She’s in labor, isn’t she?” Nick frowned, and Dr. Lee nodded.

“Yes, she is. She is already dilated to a five, and her contractions are pretty consistent. We are moving her to the maternity floor as we speak and will try to stop her labor. However, if her water breaks we may need to take her into a c-section.” 

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