Chapter Fifteen

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Olivia woke the day after her birthday excited to start a new year on a new path. She was soon-to-be a momma, she had a boyfriend, and the potential to be something greater to Zara. After getting ready for the day she made her way to her doctor's office. She had plans to get an updated ultrasound weeks ago, but some technology malfunctioning had gotten her eleven-week scan pushed back.

"Hey you, " Olivia smiled, finding Nick's squad car parked outside of the hospital entrance.

"Hey, " Nick smiled, kissing her lips briefly and quickly before wrapping an arm around her waist, "are you excited to see little bean?"

"Very, it's the first time since that little embryo scan that's on my fridge."

"Because of the technology mixup right?"

"Yeah, fingers crossed they have it figured out now."

Nick and Olivia made their way up to the floor with Dr. Lee's practice on it and checked in before sitting together in the waiting room. Olivia was already feeling tired after Nick not leaving her apartment until well after midnight the night before because of the movie they'd decided to start way too late in the evening.

"Are you tired?" Nick questions as Olivia lays her head on his shoulder.

"Yes, Nicolas and it's all your fault. You kept me up way too late last night."

"I'm sorry, " Nick whispered genuinely, "you could've told me to leave, or asked me to stay."

"To stay?" Olivia croaked.

"Olivia Benson, " the nurse called before their conversation could continue.

Olivia and Nick followed the nurse back to the room. She weighed Olivia and took vitals before exiting the room to find Dr. Lee.

"Did I spook you?" Nick questioned, rubbing circles on the small of Olivia's back.

"No, " Olivia answered shortly, playing with her necklace, "I just didn't know that was an option. We only just started dating and we haven't done anything, that way, " Olivia wagged her eyebrows, "and with Zara at your place. I just didn't know it was an option."

"Okay, " Nick smiled, finding her rambling adorable, "I'm putting it on the table, okay, so when you're ready you just let me know, okay?"

"Mhm, I will, " Olivia smiled, laying her head on his chest from where she sat on the bed.

A knock sounded on the door and Dr. Lee pushed her way into the room.

"Olivia, " Dr. Lee stopped, "and you are?"

"Uh Nick, I'm Nick, it's nice to meet you."

"Nick, it's nice to meet you as well, " Dr. Lee smiled, shaking his hand, "how are we feeling Olivia?"

"Good, " Olivia nodded, "just tired all the time, but I'm okay."

"Alright, it's still common to be tired. You've just entered your second trimester, however, so hopefully, some of your energy levels will return. Any other symptoms that are new or continuing?"

"Food aversions are continuing, we can add mushrooms and eggs to the list, " Olivia chuckled, "my nausea has limited itself to being a late-night thing so it only bothers me if I don't get to bed on time. Other than my ankles and breast being swollen, not much else is changing."

"Great, " Dr. Lee smiled, "I'm going to go ahead and go get the machine, I'll be right back."

"Thank you, " Olivia smiled, turning to Nick who looked upset, "what's wrong?"

"You were nauseous last night when I left weren't you?"

"Nicolas, don't feel bad it happens regularly."

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