Chapter Four

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Olivia kept her distance from Nick over the next few weeks. She tried her hardest to focus on work and the excitement coming up, but it was hard. All she could think about was how Nick thought he had any right to put his hands on her.

“Okay, my paperwork is finally done.” Olivia spoke, as she stood and grabbed the pile of paperwork that was due in a few days.

“Why are you getting it done right now? You are usually the last one to hand deliver it to Cragen before he takes it and sends it in.” Amanda teased, as she looked at her partner. 

Olivia hadn’t told anyone but Fin, Melinda, and Cragen about her appointment tomorrow. Yet, Cragen still doesn’t know what it is about exactly.

“I’m not going to be back until Thursday. So I had to get it done today.” Olivia replied awkwardly. She took her stack of papers over to a bin and put them down before moving back to her desk. She felt as Nick watched her walk around, but she ignored him to the best of her ability.

“Why not? I was told that you never take days off.” Amanda spoke.

“I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, and then I’m just taking another day off. No big deal. I’m not dying, either. So don’t even ask that.” Olivia smiled. 

“If you are completely sure.” Amanda sighed.

They worked silently for a few more minutes until Cragen decided to send Fin and Amanda out to a scene. Olivia wanted to join them, but she knew that there wasn’t a point since she wouldn’t be working this case until Thursday.

“Are you sure that you are okay?” Nick asked, and Olivia turned away from her computer and looked at the asshole she hated.

“Why do you even care?”

“Olivia, I apologized for getting rough with you… I’m so sorry for kissing you and hurting your arm. I won’t do it again.” Nick frowned.

“I don’t care that you have apologized or that you promise to not do this shit again. I don’t like you, so I don’t want to talk about this stuff.” Olivia huffed.

“We were enjoying our time!” Nick exclaimed.

“Hey, leave her alone, Amaro. I will not warn you again.” Cragen spoke loudly as he walked from his office. Nick swallowed hard before nodding.

“I-i’m sorry, Captain. I’m just trying to smooth things over.” Nick frowned.

“Nope, you are just trying to make things worse… fucking asshole.” Olivia grumbled.


Olivia was so thankful for her shift to be over with, and she couldn’t wait to have a few days off. 

“What?” Olivia sighed as she swung open her apartment door. 

“Are you annoyed to see me?” Melinda smiled as she held up a bag of takeout.

“No, I’m not. I’m just annoyed at the world right now.” Olivia sighed. She let her friend in before moving into the living room.

“Why are you annoyed? Shouldn’t you be excited about tomorrow? As of tomorrow, you will get inseminated and be one step closer to being a mom!” Melinda exclaimed.

“Mel, I am so excited. It’s just that today… Nick and I got into another fight. He was supposed to leave me alone, but he didn’t want to. I’m hoping that if I keep ignoring him, that he’ll just leave me alone. Cragen won’t even pair us up anymore, which I’m thankful for.”

“Why can’t he just keep his mouth shut?” Melinda sighed, and Olivia shrugged.

“I have no idea, Mel. Now, what are you doing here other than making sure I eat?” Olivia smiled.

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