Chapter Seven

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Nick contemplated whether or not to poke his head into the women's room. He knew Olivia would probably shoot his head off right there and then, so instead he leaned against the wall outside of the bathroom and waited for her to come out.

"What are you doing now, keeping track of me, " Olivia growled, passing by Nick.

"Stop, " Nick spoke calmly, stepping out in front of her, "give me five minutes to explain myself, please."

"Nick, I'm not interested and I don't care what you have to say, now please get out of the way so I can do paperwork."

"Olivia, please, " Nick pleaded.

"No, Nick. Now move!" Olivia growled, moving past her annoying co-worker.

Olivia made it back into the squad room and just before she sat down Amanda looked up and pointed back at the door.

"Cragen wants you to go home because you're sick, " Amanda sighed, looking up at her co-worker.

"I'm not sick, " Olivia whispered, turning on her heel to make her way to Cragen's office.

She knocked lightly on the door before hearing him say come in. She opened the door and stepped into his office.

"Olivia, go home, you're sick."

"Captain, give me a minute to explain please, " Olivia sighed.

"Liv, you're sick, go home and get some rest and come back when you're not throwing up."

"Cap, I'm pregnant."

Cragen looked up from his paperwork and locked eyes with his detective, "what was that?"

"I'm pregnant, " Olivia said again with a little more confidence.

"Olivia, " Cragen smiled with wide eyes, "you're going to be an amazing mom."

"Thank you, " Olivia smiled, shyly tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, "but that's why I'm sick. It's morning sickness which I'm quickly finding out isn't just a morning thing."

"Oh Olivia, " Cragen stood, pulling his detective into a hug, "you know what this means though, right?" Cragen questioned.

"This early? Really?" Olivia sighed knowing what was coming.

"I have to, Benson, I don't have a choice. I also definitely don't want to take any chance of you getting hurt. So, you're going on restricted duty effective immediately, you will not interrogate suspects alone, you will not be involved in arrests, and you will not be able to do much in the field except run results from CSU and Mel's office back here, okay? As for when you start to get further into your pregnancy things will change again."

"Okay, " Olivia sighed, knowing it was no use to put up any sort of fight.

"You're not going to fight me on it?" Cragen questioned, placing the back of his hand on Olivia's forehead.

She swatted his hand and laughed, "I'm not running a fever, I'm pregnant. I get that you're just trying to keep us both safe."

"Wow, I never thought I'd see the day Olivia Benson would happily take restricted duty."

"I'll do whatever it takes to finally start a family, " Olivia whimpered.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?"

Olivia sniffled as Cragen pulled her into a hug, "just hormones, I'm okay."

"Take all the time you need and when you're ready go ahead and go back out, okay?"

"Thanks, Captain, " Olivia smiled.

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