Chapter Eighteen

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Olivia felt more relaxed after spending a night with her boyfriend. They both needed the release of being together, instead of focusing on all the scary and hard things that were arising. But that relaxed feeling disappeared on Monday morning. Olivia and Nick were chatting quietly next to the coffee pots, when Nick’s name was called. 

“Maria?” Nick asked, as he slowly moved away from his girlfriend. Olivia turned and saw the woman that Nick was in the process of divorcing. 

“Why weren’t you at home?” Maria demanded.

“I was scheduled to work today, but I should be the one asking questions. Especially since you weren’t supposed to be in the states for another week! What’s happening?” Nick sighed, as he reached Maria.

“That doesn’t-”

“He’s only asking you a question since we have been preparing Zara for your arrival home, and she isn’t ready yet.” Olivia interrupted. She wasn’t going to allow Nick’s ex to talk poorly to him, when she has been absent.

“Who the hell are you? This isn’t any of your damn business.” Maria snapped.

Olivia got to Nick and wrapped her arm around his waist and smiled at Maria.

“I’m Nick’s girlfriend, and I have been the mother figure to your child. Because once again, you had decided that work was more important than Nick and Zara.” 

“Nick.” Maria huffed, as she looked Olivia over. Olivia’s pregnancy was pretty obvious, and Maria wasn’t happy when she started to put pieces together. They weren’t put together correctly since Olivia and Nick hadn’t been together for long, but she didn’t know that.


“You whore! You slept with my husband before we were even legally divorced! Take your arm off of him and fuck off because I’ll beat the shit out of you!”

Nick stopped Maria before she did anything to Olivia or their unborn sons. He grabbed her arms and forced her into the elevator so he could take her outside. Once they were on the front steps of the precinct, Maria started up again.

She kept yelling at Nick for cheating on her, for bringing a whore around Zara. For allowing that whore to act like a mother to their child. 

Nick was tired of hearing the word whore thrown around, when he knew what was really happening in his relationship. If Maria had stayed in the states and had been around, then she’d know the whole story. Not just the one she built in her head.

“Stop calling Olivia a whore! Stop saying that we had an affair!” Nick spat.

“How else is your girlfriend pregnant?!” 

“I donated sperm when we were young and expecting a child. When we had expenses that we couldn’t cover with just working. Did you forget that?” Nick huffed.

“You fucked her and knocked her up… she didn’t search for your sperm to get herself pregnant!” Maria yelled.

“I barely knew Olivia when she got pregnant! I was just the new guy, nothing more! She didn’t even like me when we met! So just lay off.” Nick spat.


“You cheated on me, Maria. You were with a different man for most of our marriage… so you don’t have any right to say these things about my girlfriend. Olivia and I just started to date, and we aren’t breaking up just because you have a problem with it. We are in love with each other, and Zara adores her. Z is so excited to be a big sister to her baby brothers.”

“B-brothers?” Maria struggled to speak.

“Olivia is expecting twin boys. Zara cannot wait to be a big sister to them, not only because she has wanted siblings for so long but also because Olivia is letting her be involved. Olivia doesn’t tell Zara to stop touching her or talking when she’s annoyed. She loves our child more than you ever could.” Nick hissed.

“I’m going to get Zara from school today. You are never going to see her again.” Maria spat.

Nick’s eyes went wide, before shaking his head as Maria walked away from him.

“You will never get away with that! I’ll make sure of it.”


Before the end of the school day, Maria showed up to take Zara with her. She had plans to kidnap her daughter, and never bring her back. Maria was so angry at Nick for moving on and finding someone who he loves, and who Zara loves, more than they love her.

When Maria walked up the sidewalk and to the front of the elementary school, she saw Nick’s squad standing there. They knew that Maria would try something, and they refused to let it happen.

“W-what are you doing here?” Maria asked weakly.

“You threatened to take Zara from me… to kidnap her essentially.” Nick replied with a sigh, as he turned away from his Captain and looked at his soon to be ex-wife.

“She’s my child too, Nick. I can’t kidnap her if she is already mine!” Maria exclaimed.

“You said that I’d never see her again! That is kidnapping, even if you are her mother. So you aren’t going inside to grab Zara and you won’t be seeing her unless I am there. Do you understand?” Nick huffed.

“She wants to be with me!” Maria yelled, as the front doors opened and Olivia walked out with Zara holding her hand tightly.

“Mommy?” Zara asked, surprised.

“Zara, baby! C’mere.” Maria cried, as she quickly tried to get past Nick and to where the little girl stood.

“No, Mommy.” Zara spoke with wide eyes.

“No? Zara, I have missed you so much! C’mere, my love!” Maria exclaimed.

“Livvie, don’t let her near me.” Zara whimpered, as she hid behind Olivia.

“I won’t, baby. Daddy and I are going to protect you from her.” Olivia cooed.

“Don’t talk to my daughter! I’m her mother, not you! I am the one that carried her and raised her! Just because you fucked my husband doesn’t make you anything more to her than some whore that will swing by randomly! So let her go!”

Zara quickly stepped out from behind Olivia and dropped her hand. The little girl quickly stomped over to where her mother stood and decided to stand up for the woman she loved so dearly.

“You left me, Mommy! You never called me to make sure I was okay! Liv is more of a mommy to me than you are! I don’t want to be with you, so leave us alone!” Zara screamed.

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