Chapter Six

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Olivia had a very stressful weekend. All she wanted to know was that she truly was pregnant, but she couldn’t get an appointment until Monday afternoon and that was too long of a wait for her.

“Hey, baby girl. How was your weekend?” Fin asked, as he caught up to Olivia on the front steps of the station house. 

“Stressful. Yours?” Olivia yawned, as he turned to look at her best friend.

“Eh, the usual. But why was yours stressful? Are you okay?” Fin questioned softly. He would have asked a little louder, but he didn’t want to let everyone into Olivia’s business.

“Well, I took a test and it was positive… but my doctor’s office was closed over the weekend and I couldn’t get an appointment until this afternoon. I was stressed because I wanted to confirm, but I couldn’t.” Olivia whispered. 

Fin gave a small smile, before hugging her tightly. They stood there for a moment, before Olivia leaned back and looked at Fin.

“What was that for?” She questioned weakly.

“You needed it, Benson. Today you will find out great news, and hopefully be a little less stressed.”

“I just hope that the test wasn’t faulty… I want to be pregnant so bad.”

“I’m sure you are, Liv. The doctor will confirm that and everything will be good.”

“You always know how to make me feel better.” Olivia smiled, as tears welled in her eyes. She stepped forward and clung to Fin again.

“So, because I’m so sweet and your best friend… does that give me the title of godfather and the world’s best uncle?” Fin asked, and Olivia giggled as she stepped back and nodded.

“Of course. My baby couldn’t ask for a better uncle.”


Olivia was in her own world that morning. If anyone wanted to talk to her, they had to say her name a few times or else she wouldn’t hear them. Nick watched Olivia most of the day, and he was worried that maybe something was wrong with her. He wanted to stand up and ask her, but he knew she’d probably punch him or bitch him out in the middle of the squadroom.

“Uh, heading out already?” Nick asked nervously, when he ran into Olivia in the hallway. She had her purse and jacket, and Nick was worried that she was leaving for a bad reason.

Olivia groaned, before turning to look at Nick. She didn’t want to talk to him, especially since their relationship had been far from good from the start.

“Is it any of your business?” Olivia snapped, as she looked at him.

“N-no… but I’m worried about you. You don’t seem like yourself.” Nick frowned.

Olivia looked at him for a short moment, before forcing a smile.

“I’m just tired, and I’m really tired of seeing you staring at me all day. So leave me alone and mind your own damn business.” Olivia hissed.

Nick stepped back and held his hands up, before watching as Olivia walked into the elevator and hit the lobby button.

“It might be my business…”


Olivia didn’t ask Melinda to join her, but Melinda showed up anyway. She sat with Olivia and held her hand as they waited for test results to come back. Olivia was shaking like crazy, and Melinda was the only one to help calm her down at all.

“Are you going back to work after this?” She asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

“Yeah, I think so. I can’t be missing days just because, especially since I’d like to save up enough time to take a long leave once the baby is born… I need to bond and love on my baby as much as possible.” Olivia breathed.

“Liv, you will have plenty of time to love that baby. You don’t have to work yourself hard until your water breaks, just because you want a longer maternity leave. Make sure you take care of yourself, so Fin and I don’t have to come over to your apartment and take care of you.” Melinda spoke, and Olivia nodded weakly. She ran her fingers through her hair before hearing her name called.

“Olivia Benson, the doctor is ready to see you.”

Olivia and Melinda did some more waiting, before Dr. Lee came into the room. 

“Olivia, I have some amazing news.” Dr. Lee grinned, once she shut the door and sat in front of Olivia.

“The test wasn’t faulty and I’m truly pregnant? Like the results weren’t false?” Olivia rambled nervously.

“You are truly pregnant. Congratulations.” Dr. Lee smiled. 

Olivia froze for a moment before her emotions got the best of her. She started to sob and quickly covered her face in her hands as her body shook with violent sobs.

“Olivia? Are you okay, sweetie?” Dr. Lee asked gently, as she handed Olivia the box of tissues.

“I’m so overwhelmed.” Olivia whimpered.

“Overwhelmed? Olivia, you chose to become a mother this way. Is something else happening?”

“I know that I chose to become a mother this way… It’s just that everything is hitting me suddenly! Like there is a tiny human growing inside of me, and it’s kinda scary.” Olivia sniffled.

“You are going to be an amazing mother, Liv. You may be scared, but I’m not. This child is incredibly lucky to have you as it’s mother.” Melinda smiled, as she rubbed Olivia’s back.

Olivia turned to her friend before giving her a lopsided smile.

“Thanks Mel… Uh, so what now?” Olivia asked, as she turned to look at her doctor.

“Well, you are going to need to get some vitamins and start changing your diet accordingly. Make sure you get plenty of sleep and don’t overdo it at work. In a month I will have you come back for another check-up, and we will make sure that you and this little one are still doing great.”

“Okay… uh, can I have a few moments alone? I have to process this for a few more moments.” Olivia chuckled nervously, as she wiped the tears off her cheeks.

“Of course, Olivia. Take all the time you need. When you are ready, head to the front desk and schedule your next appointment.”


Olivia had been worried that she’d miscarry in the early weeks of her pregnancy, but she was incredibly thankful when she didn’t. Olivia made it to ten weeks without too many symptoms, but then morning sickness hit her like a bus. 

“Where’s Benson?” Cragen asked, as he came out of his office. He had been looking out onto his squadroom and noticed that his favorite detective wasn’t sitting at her desk.

“She’s been running back and forth between the bathroom and her desk since she got here. I think she’s sick.” Amanda frowned, as she turned around in her chair and looked at her captain.

“Ah, geez. Uh, when she comes back out tell her that she can go home.” Cragen frowned. He turned around and went back into his office, before shutting the door.

Nick stood up and slowly walked to Amanda’s desk, and let out a small sigh.

“How sick is she?” Nick asked nervously.

“I don’t know, but I’m assuming pretty bad. She has spent most of her morning in there… but why are you asking? She told you that she didn’t want anything to do with you.” Amanda sighed.

“I know, but can’t I at least worry about her?” Nick asked, and Amanda shrugged.

“I guess.”

Amanda ignored Nick, so he slowly wandered towards the bathrooms. When he got near the ladies room, he stopped and listened for a moment. He heard Olivia swear, before she got sick.

Nick drew in a sharp breath, because he had heard this before. He had heard Maria get sick for the first several weeks of her pregnancy with Zara, and now Nick was terrified that this wasn’t just a stomach bug. Instead, Olivia was pregnant and his child was giving her hell.

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