Chapter Nine

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Olivia sat with her legs tucked underneath her, nursing a mug of hot cocoa on Melinda's couch. The girls had gone ahead and planned a friend's Christmas get-together, so they could all keep an eye on Olivia, granted this happened to be her first Christmas without Elliot.

"Liv, can I get you anything?" Fin questioned, leaning over the back of the couch.

"I'm fine, Fin, thank you though, " Olivia smiled softly, pulling her cardigan tighter around her frame.

"Are you cold? Do you need me to turn up the heat or would you like a blanket?"

"Fin, I'm okay, I promise."

"Okay, baby girl, but if you need something tell me, okay?"

"You got it, " Olivia half-smiled with a wink as Fin trailed away into the kitchen.

Olivia turned her focus back to the fake tree in Melinda's apartment and the large open window that allowed her to see the sparkly white flakes drifting to the ground. She was off in her world, her mind was wandering once again to her baby. This time next year she'd be in her apartment with a little boy or girl perched in her lap admiring the twinkly lights and shredding through wrapping paper and opening little toys and trinkets for her little one.

"Liv, " Amanda called, placing a gentle hand on her co-worker's shoulder.

Olivia jumped slightly at the contact, turning her head to see the blonde beside her, "yeah?" She murmured trying to hide her far-off thoughts.

"Are you okay? Where'd you go just now?"

"I'm okay, I just got to thinking about next Christmas and this baby. I can't wait to see what they're like."

"Oh Liv, " Amanda smiled, settling into the couch beside Olivia, "you're going to be an amazing mom and this baby is going to be the luckiest little one ever!"

"Thank you, " Olivia smiled, sipping her cocoa.

"You're welcome. I know it's still early, but do you have any guesses on what you might be having?"

"I haven't thought about it, " Olivia sighed, resting a hand against her small bump.

"Your what, nearly three months along now, right?"

"Eleven weeks on Tuesday. It's crazy to think that it's already been that long."

"It goes by way too fast, sweetheart, " Mel smiled, joining the two women in the living room, "I've had many of my friends become pregnant and have babies and it goes by so gosh dang fast."

Olivia chuckled nervously, once again swallowing her body in her sweater, "I hope it doesn't go by too fast. Being pregnant so far hasn't been that bad and I want it to last as long as possible."

Mel and Amanda both nodded and Olivia took a deep breath before sipping her cocoa again. Light chatter took place amongst the members of the squad in Melinda's apartment, but it wasn't until the party had nearly died down did a knock rap at the door.

"That must be Amaro, " Munch exclaimed, placing his hands on Olivia's shoulders giving her a gentle squeeze.

"Do you think you could bring me home, John?" Olivia swallowed thickly, trying not to burst into tears at the mere thought of her co-worker.

"You okay?" John whispered, trying to keep their conversation as quiet as possible.

"Yeah, " Olivia nodded, not convincing John or herself for that matter, "I'm just not feeling great. I think my body just needs some extra rest."

"Okay, I'll take you home. Say goodbyes and grab your coat, I'll meet you at the door."

"Thanks, " Olivia smiled softly, quickly going to find Fin and Mel to thank them for hosting.

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