Chapter Eleven

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"Benson, " Cragen beckoned from his office door at Olivia's arrival.

"Yes, Captain?" Olivia questioned setting down her bag on her desk.

"Can I borrow you for a minute, please?"

"Sure, " Olivia smiled, nervously, following Cragen into his office.

"Have a seat."

"Captain, is everything okay?"

"I just want to check in with you, I know Nick picked you up yesterday from the hospital, did anything happen that needs to be addressed?"

Olivia crossed her legs and sighed with a small smile, "everything was fine actually. There was a detour to his home, where I met his mom and daughter. His daughter is struggling with her mother's deployment, so I was able to act as an alternative person to speak to."

"You went to his house? Met his daughter? Olivia, " Cragen started.

"Captain, it was okay. We talked about it. It's probably the most adult conversation we've ever had."

"Well then, is there anything to discuss then?"

"I don't think so, " Olivia smiled, beginning to get up.

"Good, one last thing before you escape, " Cragen chuckled as Olivia lowered herself back into the chair.


"How are you feeling? Are you and the baby okay? I tried to visit you on Monday, but you'd already fallen asleep and they didn't want to disturb you." 

"We're doing good, Captain, it was just the flu."

"Just the flu, Olivia, people who get the flu aren't rushed to the hospital, and hospitalized for two days."

Olivia shook her head and couldn't help but laugh, "It was just the flu, I only got hospitalized because of my fever and the fact that I couldn't keep anything down, but I and little bean are a-okay."

"Little bean?" Cragen questioned with a smirk.

"That's what I'm calling the baby until the little bean has a gender and a name."

"Gotcha, " Cragen chuckled, "why don't you and little bean go get your butts to work then."

Olivia laughed and rolled her eyes, "yes sir."

The squad spent the day like any other, chasing leads, taking statements, signing paperwork, and driving their ADA up the wall. It wasn't until late afternoon once the squad room became settled did Fin notice an absence among them.

"Where's Nick?" Fin questioned no one in particular.

"Haven't seen him today, but this is the first time I've sat down all day, " Amanda breathed, leaning back in her chair.

"Baby girl, have you seen Nick today?"

"Uh, " Olivia sighed, before shaking her head, "nope, I'm not even sure he ever showed up for his shift, but between paperwork, runs to Melinda and Rafael's offices I haven't been here much."

"Olivia, " Zara squealed, barreling towards Olivia's desk.

"Zara?" Olivia questioned, pushing away from her desk to greet the little girl with a hug.

"Zara Marie Amaro, " Cesaria scolded, "you can't run away from me in a police station, there are dangerous people here. What if that hadn't been Olivia and it'd been someone you didn't know."

"Abuela, I'm sorry, " Zara whimpered, clinging to Olivia as she hid her face in Olivia's neck.

"Just be careful, hija, it's a dangerous place."

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