Chapter Twenty-Seven

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“What? Nick-”

“Daddy, I want Mommy! Please go get her!” Zara yelled, as she came up and shoved herself between the door and her father’s legs.

“Hey, love! I’m right here!” Maria smiled, as she reached out to her daughter. Zara shook her head as she stomped her little foot.

“I want my real Mommy! I want Olivia! Not you!”

Zara’s words cut deeply, Maria could feel the intense rage boiling beneath her skin as Zara cried out for Olivia. 

“You’re letting her call that whore, Mommy?!” Maria seethed through gritted teeth.

“What is going on out here?” Cesaria questioned, coming around the corner from the kitchen.

“Ma, come take Z and the boys please, ” Nick pleaded, turning to hand his sons to his mother, “I need to step out, I’ll be right back.”

Cesaria took both boys into her arms as Nick pushed past Zara stepping out onto the porch, pulling the front door behind him. 

“You do not get to show up here, call my girlfriend a whore, and get mad because our daughter has taken a strong liking to her in your absence. You need to leave, now, ” Nick growled his voice low, hoping not to wake Olivia inside.

“Nick, she’s our daughter, ” Maria cried, “she is a product of our love, don’t you love me, Nicolas?”

“No Maria, I don’t, I’m not sure I ever did, ” Nick sighed, “I love that we made a daughter, I love Z with everything in me, I love Olivia and our sons, but you. . .I don’t love you. I can’t stand the sight of you, you make my blood boil, Maria, so leave now, and don’t ever come back.”

“Nick!” Maria screamed, drawing attention from neighbors outside enjoying the warm summer weather. 

“Maria, this is a nice neighborhood, please don’t embarrass me or yourself.”

“I’m not leaving! I want you back, I want my daughter, I want our home back.”

“Leave, now!” Nick snapped, finally escalating his voice as the cruiser with lights and sirens turned around the corner.

Nick sighed and rolled his eyes as he gave the uniformed officer the universal sign to cut his sirens. The Uni did so before approaching the pair on the front stoop.

“Detective Amaro, what seems to be the problem here? We got a call for a domestic disturbance.”

“Well that’s what it is, Chuck, domestic disturbance and trespassing, ” Nick sighed, “I need her removed from the premises and formally charged with harassment and trespassing.”

“Sure thing. You can head inside, Nick, I'll handle this from here, ” Chuck sighed, “Ma’am you need to come with me —.”

Nick moved back into the house, locking the door before slumping against it and sighing.

“What’s going on?” Olivia questioned groggily from the top of the stairs. 

Before Nick could inhale to reply, Zara flew from the living room before running her small body full speed up the stairs.

"Mommy, " Zara screamed as hot tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Woah, easy kiddo, " Olivia sighed, dropping to her knees to console the little girl at her level.

"Zara, give Mommy a minute to wake up."

"No!" Zara screamed, clinging to Olivia.

"She's okay, Nick, " Olivia sighed, hugging the young girl tightly at the top of the stairs.

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