Chapter Twenty

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Even though the day of the Braxton Hicks contractions and Maria’s meltdown were hard and beyond stressful, it seemed to strengthen the relationship and family that Nick and Olivia were building together. 

Zara needed Olivia more than ever before, so Olivia and Nick decided that she should move in. It was a big move, but eventually the twins would be there and all three kids would need both parents all the time.

Olivia quickly took on the role as Zara’s mother, even without the title, and she enjoyed every single second of it.

“The cribs are supposed to be delivered sometime this week.” Olivia spoke as she slowly padded into the living room. Nick was sitting on the sofa with Zara, and both were dressed nicely and ready to head out.

“We can put those together when they come in… but Olivia, why aren’t you dressed?” Nick asked, as he turned to look at Olivia. She was still in her pajamas and her hair was in a messy bun on the top of her head.

“Huh? It’s Saturday. I refuse to get dressed in normal clothes on the weekend.” Olivia grinned.

“Babe, I know that it’s Saturday, but we have plans today. Don’t you remember? We are going to have brunch at Amanda’s house with the rest of the crew.” Nick replied, and Olivia’s eyes went wide.

“That’s today?” She whispered, as she shoved her hands into the front pocket of her sweatshirt.

“Yeah, that’s today. So, do you want me to cancel?” Nick asked, and Olivia quickly shook her head.

“No! Just text Amanda and tell her that we are a little held up. I will go take a shower and get dressed… Hopefully in record time.”


Olivia and Nick rolled up at Amanda’s house about an hour late. She had started to rent it recently, and she wanted to host a brunch as a fun housewarming party.

“I am so sorry that we are late! I may have forgotten, and I couldn’t fit into anything nice. Please forgive us.” Olivia spoke, as she helped Zara into the house. 

She stepped out of the way and stopped moving as she looked around the living room. Olivia was beyond confused by the decorations, and she quickly turned to look at her boyfriend.

“Surprise, Liv.” Nick smiled.

“Surprise? What’s happening?” Olivia asked weakly, as the rest of the guests slipped from the kitchen.

“This is a small baby shower for you! We know that you don’t have a ton of female friends, so we just gathered up those who cared about you to do this.” Amanda smiled, as she walked towards her friend.

“I told you I didn’t want a baby shower… this was supposed to be a housewarming party for you, Amanda… it isn’t supposed to be for me.” Olivia rambled as tears burned her eyes.

Olivia always felt so weird when anyone brought up a baby shower. She felt like she was too old for anyone to be celebrating her pregnancy and her babies. She also didn’t enjoy having the spotlight on her, and a baby shower would be all about her.

“Hey, don’t cry!” Melinda exclaimed, as she moved to Olivia.

“Guys, this is so nice.” Olivia sobbed, as she grew beyond overwhelmed. Melinda stepped forward and hugged Olivia tightly as everyone gathered around them.

“What’s wrong with Livvie?” Zara whispered, as she looked up at her father.

“Livvie is just a little overwhelmed. But she’ll be better soon. Until then, I think that you and I should get her some water.”


It took awhile, but eventually Olivia calmed down. When she cried any other time during the day, it was because she was so happy and thankful for the family she had around her. Every single person she had grown to love over the years loved her too, and even loved her little ones.

“These two boys are so lucky.” Olivia smiled as she looked at another set of matching blanket sleepers for her sons.

“These two boys need names.” Cesaria teased, as she sat back down beside her granddaughter.

“They have names, Abuela.” Zara replied, without even looking up from Olivia’s phone.

“Huh?” Cesaria asked.

“Z, c’mon. You weren’t supposed to tell anyone.” Nick sighed.

“Well, now that we know that they have names. Can we find out what they are?” Amanda asked eagerly. 

Olivia tucked away the sleepers before leaning back and gently rubbing her bump. She and Nick had come up with names not that long ago, before she wanted to keep them a secret… but after today, she wanted to tell her family the names of her two little boys.

“Liv, we can still wait.” Nick offered, and Olivia shook her head as she smiled.

“Nah, I think they deserve to know about them.”

Olivia stayed silent for a while before finally telling everyone after Fin said he’d start to throw a fit if they didn’t find out soon.

“Okay! No need to act like a baby, Fin.” Nick laughed, as he finally motioned for Olivia to tell everyone.

“Nick and I had a hard time deciding, but we eventually picked out August Graham and Silas Blake.” Olivia smiled.

“Their last names are going to be Benson, too. But only until I marry that lady.” Nick smiled.

“Actually, I’d like them to be August and Silas Amaro.” Olivia spoke.

Nick turned his head quickly and looked at his girlfriend as tears welled in his eyes.


“At the beginning of this year, I was certain that we wouldn’t last. That our sons wouldn’t be ours. They would be mine. But I believe we are in this relationship for the long haul. You are going to be there when they are born and the days and years to follow. So, I think that they should have their daddy’s last name.” Olivia breathed.

Nick stood up quickly before pulling Olivia to her feet. He wrapped his arms around her body and hugged her tightly as tears flowed freely down his cheeks.


Nick was walking on clouds for the rest of that day. He was even still smiling that night as he walked into the bedroom he shared with Olivia.

“Did you have fun today?” Nick asked, and Olivia nodded quickly.

“I had a blast today! I didn’t think I’d enjoy being the center of attention, but it’s kinda growing on me.” Olivia laughed.

“You just love attention.” Nick teased. Olivia smiled as she reached out to Nick. He climbed into bed beside her, before pulling her into his arms.

“So, did you like my surprise for you?” Olivia asked softly, as she rested her head against Nick’s chest. This position wouldn’t last for long, so Olivia wanted to enjoy it.

“I was truly surprised, Liv. But thank you so much. It means the world to me to know that Silas and August will share my last name and the last name of their big sister.”

“And me one day?” Olivia asked nervously.

“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

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