Chapter Fourteen

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Olivia was off the next day, so she didn't get to see Nick until Monday. Olivia started to feel butterflies in her stomach when she moved into the squadroom and saw that Nick was sitting a small box on her desk.

"Nicolas, what are you doing?" Olivia asked, as she walked up beside him. Her hand found its way to his lower back, and Nick shook from the touch. He turned to her and smiled.

"I got you one of those blueberry muffins from the bakery down the road... you told me that you were craving one on Friday, but they were closed due to the holidays." Nick replied shyly.

"You are amazing... I was so behind this morning that I didn't get a chance to stop. So thank you so much." Olivia smiled, before placing a soft kiss on Nick's cheek.

Nick blushed a dark red, and when he turned to go back to his desk, John and Fin were watching him.

"Please keep your mouth shut." Nick mumbled. He had enjoyed the small touch and kiss that Olivia had given him, but he didn't want his co-workers to harass him because of it.

"We didn't see a thing, Amaro." John spoke, before moving to his desk. Fin didn't drop it, and he walked over to Nick and clapped him on the shoulder.

"She told me about your night together, and she's happy about how things are going so far... and as long as she is happy, I won't give you a hard time. Okay?" Fin spoke, and Nick nodded.

"Thanks, Fin."


The day was slow and long. Fin and John left a few times that day, but no one else did. Throughout the day, Nick watched as Olivia would slump down in her chair and take cat naps randomly during her shift. He was worried about her, and ended up insisting on walking her out that night.

"Are you okay?" Nick questioned, as he walked down the front steps slowly, Olivia's arm looped through his.

"I'm fine, Nicolas." Olivia smiled tiredly.

"Are you sure? You napped like six times during the day." Nick said with a weak chuckle.

"Oh, you saw? Uh, I tried to not make it noticeable." Olivia sighed, as they made their way down the sidewalk. Nick watched as Olivia's face grew red with embarrassment.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed about napping throughout the day. You are still in your first trimester, and your body is still getting used to growing another human." Nick spoke gently, as he pulled Olivia to a stop.

Olivia swallowed hard, as tears burned her eyes. She hadn't had someone talk so gently to her in awhile. Someone who was so understanding and caring. Nick wasn't judging her, and really never had.

"Can I hug you?" Olivia sniffled, as she brushed a stray tear from her cheek.

"Of course you can hug me... Olivia, did something happen?" Nick asked, as Olivia stepped forward and quickly clung to him.

"No! It's just that after we started over, everything got so... our relationship became amazing! We finally kissed and it felt perfect! I know that we are moving slowly, but I can't help myself from thinking about what might happen next. Like what if I turn from being a single mother to being able to raise my baby with you? With a big sister?" Olivia sobbed into Nick's shoulder.

Nick swallowed hard before wrapping his arms tighter around Olivia. He gave her a squeeze, before pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.

"Olivia, I am so beyond grateful for our decision to start over. In the end if we end up being together, then I think I may be standing here hugging you tightly... and sobbing like a baby too."

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