Chapter Twenty-One

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The week after Olivia's surprise baby shower passed quickly without a hitch. Zara had finally settled back into her routine since Maria's incident, Nick and Olivia were both still working at this point in Olivia's pregnancy, but she could feel her time at work nearing a quick pause.

"How are you feeling?" Nick questioned, setting a sandwich from the deli on Olivia's desk.

"My back hurts, but I'm fine, thanks for lunch, " Olivia smiled, quickly placing a chaste kiss on Nick's lips.

"Your back hurts?"

"Yeah, it's just a little stiff, I promise I'm fine."

"Liv, you sure? It's not back labor, right? Zara caused a lot of that during labor."

"Slow down, Nicolas, " Olivia chuckled, taking his hands into hers from where she sat at her desk, "I promise it's not labor, I promise you'll be the first to know when I go into labor, okay?"

"Okay, " Nick nodded, kissing her hairline.

Olivia ate her lunch and continued scribbling away at some paperwork, truth be told she was in a difficult spot, her back was killing her, and since finishing her lunch she felt nauseous. It almost felt like she was damn near burning up.

"Liv? Are you feeling okay?" Amanda questioned, watching Liv wipe her brow.

"Yeah, I'm good, " Olivia said unconvincingly, "is it just me or is it hot in here?"

"Liv, you look flushed, " Amanda spoke, moving around her desk to Olivia's, "maybe a hot flash, honey?"

"It's certainly something, my God, " Olivia huffed, pulling off her sweater.

Olivia had now revealed the tight camisole that was hugging her swollen breasts and tight bump, as she began fanning herself with a folded stack of paperwork.

"Let me get you some cold water, " Amanda offered, moving to the break room for a cool towel and bottled water, returning quickly to her co-worker's side.

"Liv, what's wrong?" Nick questioned, quickly coming off the elevator and into the squad room.

"Nicolas, I'm fine, it's a hot flash."

"Olivia, your face is bright red. Amanda has a damp cloth on your neck, " he spoke touching the end of the towel, "and you're gulping a bottle of water and you're going to sit here and tell me you're okay?"

"Nicolas, " Olivia practically growled, warning him not to test her.

Olivia had experienced some mood swings through pregnancy, but it usually consisted of sadness, excitement, and sometimes horniness, but she hadn't become short with Nick like that in a long time.

"Okay, " Nick raised his hands in surrender, not wanting their relationship to regress from the progress they'd made.

"I'm sorry, " Olivia whimpered, reaching for him and using his body as leverage to stand.

"It's okay, baby, " Nick hid his chuckle, taking her very pregnant form into a hug, "why don't I take you home? I'm sure Ma has some Cuban way to battle hot flashes."

"I hope so because I'm miserable, " Olivia whimpered, against his chest.

"Alright, let's get you home, I'm just going to let Cragen know where I'm going."

Olivia nodded and let her boyfriend go, "I'll pack up, " Olivia smiled gently.

Olivia shoved her sweater into her purse and tucked all of her paperwork into the correct files before lowering herself into her desk chair to wait for Nick, who'd just disappeared into Cragen's office.

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