Chapter Thirty-Two

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Even if Maria was in town and trying to cause problems, Olivia and Nick didn’t allow for that to get them down. They stopped going to their usual grocery store, and had a better security system installed after Maria tried to pick the lock on the front door and break in. Their first Christmas with the babies had been fun, and once school was back in session, everything started to go super fast.

“This birthday sucks.” Olivia sighed, as she and her boyfriend worked together to clean the house. Olivia and Nick had taken a long weekend to celebrate Olivia’s birthday, even if Olivia wasn’t excited about it.

“Honey, age is just a number. You are still incredibly beautiful and sexy.” Nick smiled, as he finished sweeping up an endless amount of cheerios from their living room floor. It was as if Auggie and Silas had grabbed the open box and just dumped the entire thing on the floor.

“Forty is a big number.” Olivia grumbled. She turned to look at her boyfriend, and was wondering why he still thought she was sexy. Why he had decided to be with her, even if he was young and handsome, and anyone would want to be with him.

“Okay, but forty doesn’t make you old.” 

“Did I say it made me old?” Olivia spoke, arching an eyebrow.

“Baby, I’m just answering questions that you don’t feel like asking out loud. Now, what do you want to do tonight? Dinner and dancing?” Nick smiled, as he finally moved to Olivia. He placed his hands to her hips, before slowly moving them to her ass.

“Would your mother be up to watching the babies and Z?” Olivia asked, and Nick nodded.

“She already agreed. So dinner and dancing, okay?”

“I’d love that… I haven’t danced in awhile.” Olivia smiled. They started to kiss, and before things could get heated, August screamed from his room.

Olivia sighed as she hesitantly stepped back.

“He and Silas are probably hungry. Would you mind getting them while I get their food around?” Olivia asked, and Nick nodded.

“I guess. If you insist.” Nick teased, before smacking Olivia’s ass and walking away.


The twins had just enough baby food for their lunch, and then Olivia had to go and do the shopping. Nick had volunteered to go, but Olivia insisted. Especially since she wanted to drop by another store to pick up something nice to wear to her birthday dinner.

“Excuse me.” A man spoke, as he slipped past Olivia and her cart in the wine department.

“Of course. Sorry.” Olivia smiled weakly, as she moved closer to the shelf.

Olivia put a bottle of wine in her cart before turning and looking down the aisle. Standing at the end, the man was just standing there and staring at the far wall. The way he stood without any movement gave Olivia a pit in her stomach.

She didn’t know why, but this guy freaked her out a bit and she wanted to get away from him.

As Olivia continued to walk around the store, she kept spotting the man. He was dressed in all black, and the more times she saw him, she started to notice the nervous energy that was washing off of him.

“Hey, are you almost done?” Nick asked, when he answered a call from Olivia.

“Not exactly. Can you call the precinct and ask them to send someone to the store?” Olivia whispered, as she pretended to look at the dates on the bread.

“Why? Are you okay?”

“There is some shifty guy walking around and messing with things. If I called, I’d have to give my badge number and I feel like he’d be more suspicious.”

“Liv, is he following you?” Nick asked nervously.

“I don’t know, babe. But he’s been here for a while and I keep bumping into him.”

“Okay, I’ll call the precinct. I’ll be-”

“Stay with the babies. I’ll be home soon. I promise.”


Her mouth tasted like pennies, and her eye was swollen shut. The man heard her talking to Nick, and once the call was ended he grabbed her and attacked her. Not long after she was forced to the ground, several other people dressed in black entered the store with guns.

“Did you get everything set up?” The ringleader asked the man that had attacked Olivia.

“Bombs are in place, cameras are disabled. If it hadn’t been for that bitch, the cops wouldn’t be sitting outside.” The man grumbled as he gestured towards Olivia.

Every employee and customer were sitting on the floor, their hands and feet bound. They were at the very back of the store, their backs resting against the cold metal of the dairy storage.

“Is she a cop?”

“If she is, there wasn’t a gun on her. I couldn’t even use her own cuffs on her.” He huffed.

Olivia swallowed hard as she shifted her head slightly and looked at the woman beside her. She was barely an adult, and her body was shaking.

“Everything will be okay.” Olivia whispered, as she felt blood drip from her cracked lip.

“They have guns… bombs are somewhere around here too.” The girl whimpered, as she looked at Olivia.

“My boyfriend is a cop, and before I got hurt, I called him and informed him about what was happening. We’ll be okay.” Olivia whispered. She wasn’t believing herself, but she prayed that those around her did.

“They should all die once we hit the trigger, right?” A woman asked, as she stood next to the men, before glancing at the hostages.

“We can only hope. I might put that bitch right on it, see how she likes her payback for snitching.”

The group all laughed as Olivia started to feel sick to her stomach. She had been targeted before, but this time it was different. If she was killed, her three children, boyfriend, and Cesaria would all be without her. Her sons would grow up and never know her, and Zara may end up with her horrible mother once again. Thinking about it all made things worse, especially when she heard Cragen’s voice from outside of the store.

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