Chapter Three

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Olivia got back to her building safely and climbed the walk up to her apartment, she would've taken the elevator but it was broken, and with all of the adrenaline coursing through her veins she wanted nothing more than to exert that energy. Once inside her flat, she double and triple-checked all of her windows and the door before padding down the hall to her room. Nick was charming. She'd give him that, but the way he came on so fast was not. She didn't want anything with a man right now, and she wasn't sure how long it'd be like that, but she was okay with it because most of all she wanted a baby.

Olivia showered off the events from the day and tugged on an old pair of sweats before tugging on that old grey hoodie. He'd given it to her on a stakeout, she remembered it so clearly. It was October, close to his birthday, he'd been fighting with Kathy about a family party and he'd been grumpy. She'd complained he was cold and he gave her a look before unzipping the hoodie and giving it to her.

"Fuck him, " Olivia grumbled, climbing into bed still wrapped in the warm fabric.

Under the covers, she curled up and quickly drifted off hoping the same dreams from several nights before, of her bundle of joy, would fill her mind.


"Benson, can we talk?" Nick questioned as Olivia came through the doors.


"Come on, don't shut down on me, I just want to talk."

"And I don't want to talk, so leave me be, " Olivia snapped quietly, trying not to get the whole squad involved.

Nick grabbed Olivia by the arm roughly, "five minutes, " he seethed, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Let me go, " Olivia growled, trying to yank her arm free. 

"Nick, hands off!" Fin's voice boomed as he stepped in for Olivia.

"You stay out of this, " Nick growled.

Olivia seemed to lose her tough exterior as she started shaking slightly in her spot. Fin quickly moved in and stepped between the woman he saw as a little sister and the new douchebag cop. 

"Let go of her, Nick, now!" Fin yelled, getting in his face.

Nick let Olivia's arm go and before he could say anything to her in defense or apology, she'd already stepped behind the Captain's door. Olivia was visibly shaken as she took a deep breath and turned to face Cragen.

"Kid, what's wrong?" Cragen questioned, quickly coming around his desk to Olivia.

"Nick, " Olivia huffed trying to hide her fear, "he just grabbed me like a ragdoll out there. He gripped my arm and wouldn't let me go until I agreed to talk to him. I don't want to talk to him about what happened last night. I don't want to work with him either if that's how he treats women. No wonder his wife is leaving his crazy ass and his --"

"Olivia, slow down, what happened last night?" Cragen questioned, pointing at the chairs in front of his desk.

"He tried to come on to me at the bar. We went out for drinks after you let us go. I was trying to be nice, trying to get to know him and his family life. I said something about wanting to meet his daughter and he practically threw himself at me."

"Olivia, " Cragen sighed, "he's straight out of narcotics -"

"And that's some sort of an excuse now? You can just come out of narcotics and throw yourself at your co-workers, grab them so hard by the arm in the squad room and demand them to talk to you?"

"No, it's not an excuse, Olivia. I'll talk to him, okay, go out there and do your job and until further notice, you'll be working with Amanda, okay?"

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