Chapter Thirty-Four

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Olivia slept for hours. The medicine had worn off, but her body was so overwhelmed with so many different things, that there was no waking her up.

Nick watched as Olivia laid perfectly still, but as her body changed. More bruises developed as she slept, and Nick was worried that when she woke up she would be a completely different person.

"So, I take it that you two weren't planning for another baby." Cesaria spoke, as she sat beside her son and handed him a breakfast sandwich. Nick looked away from his partner, and shook his head.

"No, we weren't... Ma, she's forty. I'm terrified that something will happen and we will lose both her and the baby." Nick frowned, as he reached out and ever so gently placed his hand against Olivia's midsection.

"She survived what just happened, and she can survive carrying another one of your babies to term. She's strong, my love. Stronger than either of us know." Cesaria smiled softly. She placed a gentle kiss on her son's temple before settling back against the chair.

They ate in silence, and then just sat once they were done. Nick didn't want to leave Olivia's side and have her wake up while he was gone, because the last thing he wanted was for her to think he abandoned her. He was never going to do that.

"They found vaginal cells on the man's gun." Nick whispered, as he glanced over at his mother.

"What?" Cesaria breathed.

"He put his gun inside of Olivia, Ma. I know you said she is strong, but this is a whole different ball game. I just don't understand how this even happened... how I could let this happen."


Olivia was still sleeping when Cragen dropped by with Amanda. They did some more investigating, and finally were able to figure out what had happened. Or as close as they could at this moment.

"How is she doing?" Amanda whispered, as she walked into the room.

"She hasn't woken up yet." Nick sighed.

"She will soon. Your girl is just exhausted." Amanda said with a wobbly smile.

"I hope she does... so what can I help you with?" Nick frowned.

"We just wanted to update you on the investigation."

"This all started yesterday. What could you have possibly found in a few hours?" Nick mused, as he stood and led them to a table in the corner.

"Maria." Cragen spoke plainly.

"Maria? Like, my Maria?" Nick asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, that Maria. The store that Olivia went to is the one she worked at... she hired all of these men to try and hurt her, and it worked." Cragen frowned.

Nick stood slowly and raked his fingers through his hair. He was so angry and wanted to scream, but he also wanted to curl up into the fetal position and cry like a baby.

Of course his bitch of an ex wife had to do this. She was always getting into trouble, but this time she went way too far. She hurt his soulmate, and she'd pay for it.

"What can you do to her? She was the mastermind, and I want her to pay." Nick huffed, as he paced the room.

"We have her in custody because she was there when everything started. We are sending a crew to her apartment to search it and see if she has any notes on what she planned to do."

"I'm going to help." Nick spoke, as he stopped and stared at them.

"No, you aren't. Olivia is our main victim, the mother of your children, and Maria is your ex. It wouldn't be-"

"Captain, I don't care if it isn't wise. I'm going, because I need to know what was going on in Maria's head... I need to know why she let this happen."


"Fuck her." Nick grumbled, as he looked over the copies of evidence they had found at Maria's apartment.

"Nicholas?" Olivia whimpered, as she shifted in her hospital bed. Nick quickly sat the paper down before walking to Olivia's bed.

"Hi, baby." He breathed, as he smoothed her hair.

"It hurts." She whimpered, and Nick nodded.

"I know you hurt, but they just gave you some more medicine and it should help with the pain shortly." Nick spoke. He kissed her forehead gently, before smiling softly at her.

"What is exactly wrong with me?" Olivia whispered.

"Cuts, bruises..."

"He raped me, so mentally I'm fucked."

"You'll make it through this, Liv. I promise." Nick spoke, and Olivia shook head as she let out a weak cry.

Nick slipped into bed beside Olivia, before holding her to his side. Olivia cried into her bruised hands.

Olivia had been through hell and back, but this just seemed too much for her. She had more people to think about now, and she felt like she'd be failing them because she was so broken.

Silas, August, and Zara needed their mother to be present. Nick needed his partner in life and at work.

"Liv, I will stand by you during this entire thing. You don't have to worry about losing me. I was supportive when you were pregnant with the boys, and I will support you through this pregnancy and recovery."

"Pregnancy?" Olivia asked, her eyes wide. She had heard those words before she fell asleep, but after sleeping for as long as she did, she needed to have the news broken again.

"Liv, you are eleven weeks pregnant. Did you forget?" Nick breathed. Olivia nodded slowly, before swallowing hard.

"I don't know if I'll make it through this." Olivia whimpered. Nick frowned as he placed his lips against Olivia's hair.

"You won't be doing this on your own, Liv. I know that you are scared, but everything will be okay. I promise."

Nick held Olivia for a while before she dozed back off. He moved from the bed and back to where the evidence was.

He flipped through the pictures that Maria had taken when stalking his family, and the notes of what she planned to do to his partner.

"You will be the one paying, Maria... I'll make sure of it."

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