Chapter Ten

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Even if the doctor wanted to keep Olivia overnight, she had to stay another day because her fever was so high and she couldn’t keep anything down. Fin and Melinda swapped out that whole day, but by Tuesday morning when Olivia was released, everyone was too busy to pick her up.

“Still trying to contact someone to pick you up?” A nurse asked when she walked into Olivia’s room. Olivia was sitting on the edge of her bed with tears on her cheeks. She was so overwhelmed and didn’t want to call a cab to go home.

“Y-yeah. No one can come and get me.” Olivia sniffled, as she tossed her phone onto the foot of the bed.

“Why don’t I call you a cab?” The nurse offered, and Olivia shook her head as she stood slowly.

“Thanks, but I’m okay. I’ll call one… thanks.” Olivia frowned. She walked over and slipped her shoes on, and then grabbed her bag.


“Do I have anything to sign? I need to get out of here before I catch something else.” Olivia frowned.

“Yeah, join me at the desk and I’ll get you out of here soon.”

Olivia signed her discharge papers before heading downstairs. She sat down in the lobby for a few moments to try and make another call or two, but no one would pick up. When she was finally about to give up and call a cab, Nick rushed into the hospital.

“Olivia!” Nick exclaimed. Olivia turned her head quickly and eyed Nick.

“What are you doing here?” Olivia asked nervously.

“Fin felt horrible for not being free, and so was Melinda. So Fin tried to find anyone to come and get you, and I was the only one with the day off. So I came to get you.” Nick rambled.

“You didn’t-”

“Fin said that you hate riding in cabs… the drivers give you bad vibes. So I will take you back to your apartment and then leave you alone.” Nick smiled softly.

Olivia wanted to say no, but she stopped herself. She and Nick needed to be civil because of work, and it was incredibly nice of Nick to drop whatever he was doing to come and grab her from the hospital.

“Okay… thanks.”


Olivia and Nick didn’t even make it to Olivia’s apartment before Nick got a call and had to head home real quick. It was too cold in the car for Olivia to wait, so Nick invited her in while he did whatever he had to do.

“Zara!” Nick exclaimed as he walked into his house. Olivia nervously stood at the front door as she waited for Nick to come back.

As she stood and waited, Olivia heard lots of mumbled words and some loud whining. 

“I want Mama!” Zara screamed as she came sprinting from the back of the house and to the front.

“Woah there,” Olivia spoke, as Zara tried to open the door and run out. Olivia squatted down and grabbed the little girl by her waist.

“Who are you?” Zara asked as tears poured down her cheeks.

“I’m a friend of your Daddy's. What’s happening?” Olivia asked softly.

“I miss my Mama,” Zara whispered, and Olivia frowned as she nodded slowly.

“Your Daddy told me that she’s on the other side of the world fighting bad guys. Right?”

“Y-yeah, but I want her here. It’s Christmas and she missed it! She didn’t even call!” Zara sobbed, before throwing herself into Olivia’s arms. The small girl wrapped her arms around Olivia’s neck and sobbed into her shoulder.

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