Part 5

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I'll try Upd often than before not everyday but if has time I'll do everyday. 🤭🤭😎


Xiao Zhan slowly opened his eyes, his body lying straight making his eyes meet the beautiful curtain net hanging above him

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Xiao Zhan slowly opened his eyes, his body lying straight making his eyes meet the beautiful curtain net hanging above him.

Xiao Zhan swallowed hard, his eyes started to move left and right. When he turned his head slightly to the right, Xiao Zhan was surprised to find that beside the bed there was a figure with his back to him.

"Ghosts!, Ghosts!.. Ghosts...!!!
please leave me, sorry.. forgive me, please forgive me, I didn't mean to sleep in your bed, go go..!."

shouted Xiao Zhan as his eyes were tightly closed, his hands thumping in the air as a defense in case the figure would attack him.

"Yaaak!, no.. no, I'm sorry, please.. please, I beg you. I don't want to be in this room either, please don't bother me!."

Xiao Zhan shouted louder when he felt someone touch his hand, someone was holding his hand until he couldn't make any resistance movements. Xiao Zhan's heart was beating strongly, he peeked out of one eye.

"Ehh?, Uncle ? ah Master.. is that you? "
Xiao Zhan sighed when he realized the figure sitting beside him was Wang Yibo.
The man surnamed Wang continued to stare at Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan who felt bad finally got up from his bed, but before Xiao Zhan could actually sit down, Yibo's hand moved first which made Xiao Zhan startled.

"You're not her are you?"
Yibo asked flatly as one hand touched Xiao Zhan's cheek.

"Huuh ?? who is she?"
Xiao Zhan was confused, but the confusion turned to fear when Yibo rebuked him.

"Say you're not her !, SAY IT !."

Yibo snapped as he tugged at Xiao Zhan's hair.

"Hey it's pain, why are you pulling my hair, what are you asking ?"
Xiao Zhan replied as he tried to pull Yibo's grip on his hair.

"Why are you guys so similar? no you're not her, she doesn't love me anymore, I can't think about it, no, no, no.."

Yibo muttered in frustration as he pulled his hand away from Xiao Zhan's head, Yibo rubbed his face several times with his palm, so seen his breathing up and down, maybe he was holding back anger?.

Xiao Zhan who saw Yibo like that immediately took his chance, Xiao Zhan slowly got off the bed, but before he could take a step, Yibo held his hand faster.

"Do you like this room?"
Yibo asked in a rather heartrending voice.

"Yes ?."

"I really want to know how she will react when whe sees this room, I prepared this especially for her."

The Winner's Tears [ DISCONTINUE ]Where stories live. Discover now