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A pair of dark and cold eyes now fixed the body of a sleeping patient, those eyes belonged to a man who now didn't even show any expression.

His gaze looked blank, sweeping across his face and chest, until his gaze stopped on the patient's arm which was holding an IV needle.
He still clearly remembered that the doctor who had just given him emergency aid revealed a fact that he couldn't believe. Instead of feeling happy, now he felt so angry.

"Stupid, ayou are really so stupid Xiao Zhan."
Yibo muttered while looking at Xiao Zhan who was still asleep, after which Yibo left him alone, drove his car towards his father's house which was not far from the hospital.


In the morning, Xiao Zhan woke up from his sleep, he looked around, his lips couldn't help but smile when he saw his husband who was now asleep on the sofa in the treatment room.

Xiao Zhan saw that Yibo's sleeping position was uncomfortable, he slowly lowered his legs from the bed and forcibly removed the needle that had been hiding under his skin since last night.

Xiao Zhan grimaced, a little blood from where the needle had been pulled out seeped out and dripped onto Xiao Zhan's trembling wrist. Xiao Zhan didn't really care, he then continued his steps towards Wang Yibo who was closing his eyes.

Yibo brushed aside Xiao Zhan's hand who was trying to lift his husband's head so that it was straighter. Xiao Zhan flinched when he received this treatment, but then smiled.

"I just want to correct your sleeping position, your neck could hurt if you fall asleep bent like that."
Xiao Zhan said calmly and was about to go back to bed, but that couldn't happen because Yibo was now holding one of his wrists.

"Do you really not care about your life, Xiao Zhan? Pulling out the IV needle carelessly, what do you really want?" Yibo asked quietly but with a cold aura, this made Xiao Zhan smile faintly without turning around, he forcibly pulled his arm from where Wang Yibo was holding him.

As an answer, Xiao Zhan just shook his head slightly, he stepped towards the wardroom window, intending to open the curtains and enjoy the warm light of the sun.

"Abort the baby."

Xiao Zhan's heart was beating strongly, as his feet planted on the floor tiles, his eyes and fingertips began to tremble, Xiao Zhan couldn't hide his shock.

"So you already know?..." Xiao Zhan said softly and then, with heavy steps, he tried to sit his body on the corner of the treatment bed.

"I really don't know why you did it, you are a man, marrying you I already know the risks. "

"You don't need to do stupid things like this Xiao Zhan, especially without my consent, don't you respect me?"
said Yibo,

who now stepped closer to his wife, while Xiao Zhan squeezed the hem of his shirt tightly, his heart still didn't want to be friendly, its beating was still very strong, as if it was ready to burst and cut the cords of his heart at this very moment.

whispered Xiao Zhan in a voice that was so pity, he still didn't look up, but his eyes were so anxious and hurt, he never thought that the thing he wanted so much would now be called stupid by his own husband.

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