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Typo is my mid name
Enjoy the show~

Wang Yibo had been staring at Xiao Zhan's face, the thin lips of the Xiao mouth smiled hesitantly with the spinning eyes watching the camera in his hand.

Yibo tidied Xiao Zhan's hair which almost covered his eyebrows, it made the man who was touched immediately looked up.

"Like the camera? I think it's the best form, it fits your little face."

Yibo said softly with his eyes closely staring at Xiao Zhan's face.

"Very good, moreover this is your choice, I will keep it well." Xiao zhan answered then smiled calmly.

"Don't hesitate, I bought it so you can do your hobby."

Yibo replied then stretched his arm slightly to give a hug, Xiao Zhan who understood was shifting closer and lay his head on Wang Yibo's chest. Wang Yibo closed his eyes while stroking his wife's hair gently, a warm and happy feeling suddenly approached him like a lottery gift, Yibo looked down and kissed his wife's forehead briefly.

"Go home ?, The air is getting cold."

Yibo whispered while patting Xiao Zhan's back softly.

"Emmm, but I have to take your photo first and upload it on Instagram."

Reply Xiao Zhan then backed his body, hearing that Yibo immediately frowned, Xiao Zhan who intended to take a picture of Yibo now looked up because the man suddenly stood up.

"Yibo, sit down first I'll take a picture of you."

Xiao Zhan stands up and tries to direct his camera towards Yibo.

"Stop that Zhan, I'm not used to taking pictures."

Yibo begged slowly, while he still turned his face to avoid his wife taking pictures.

"Aihh Yibo only one picture."

Whining Xiao Zhan while continuing to try to photograph Yibo, finding unsatisfactory results, Xiao Zhan began to rack his smart brain.

"Wooaah Yibo look!, That man is very handsome and his voice is also melodious."

Xiao Zhan said suddenly, Yibo who heard his wife mentioned the man immediately turned his head with a face that looked dislike, he then took off the headset that had been covering one ear.

"That man's voice is normal."

*click Xiao Zhan took the opportunity to photograph Yibo, the results were perfect because Yibo did not move much while watching street artists who sang, realizing that Xiao Zhan deceived him Yibo immediately glared.

"Xiao Zhan, you took a picture of me."

"Emmm? Actually, the man's voice is not so good, but if his face is pretty handsome, and most importantly I already get your photo, hahaha ... weeek."

Xiao Zhan said idly sticking out his tongue, after that he jogged away leaving Yibo, Yibo who saw it gaping in disbelief, now Xiao Zhan dared to work on him and even praised another man before his eyes.

"Xiao Zhan stop !"

Yibo called and then ran after Xiao Zhan to the parking lot, both of them chasing each other down the left lane of the mall which took them to the parking lot on the basement floor.

"well can you!, Where is the camera?"

Yibo said while embracing Xiao Zhan from behind while the young man was trying to hide between rows of cars.

The Winner's Tears [ DISCONTINUE ]Where stories live. Discover now