TWT 30

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Finally .. I know where part we're now .. hahaha !

Typo is my mid name
Enjoy The show~

Flashback On

Xiao Zhan sat quietly at the dining table, his tiny lips moving chewing a piece of sandwich that he made himself, occasionally his hand moved to lift a glass of warm white milk for him to sip.

Even though the morning sun had appeared so brightly, Xiao Zhan's face was still gloomy, with his swollen eyes clearly visible, he tried to finish his breakfast.

Xiao Zhan, who had been bowed now, raised his head when he realized someone was sitting across his seat, not long because the next moment Xiao Zhan ignored his breakfast.

"How many times have I told you? Don't dream too much, you will only be humiliated. Your husband just wants to embarrass you in front of his office people, and of course in front of the woman he always loves. Xiao Zhan do you really not understand?, He wants to compare your abilities with Jia Lyn. Aiih, you're very naive. " said  Meera while picking a green wine available on the table, with a small smile.

Meera stared at Xiao Zhan who seemed not interested in responding.

"Ehh, eh?, Where? I'm not done talking. Hey ..! Xiao Zhan I'll tell you a secret. "

Exclaimed Meera stood up as Xiao Zhan suddenly left the dining table, Meera's scream finally succeeded in making Xiao Zhan turn his head again.

"Bring conflict into your employer every day, aren't you afraid I'll kick you from this house?"

Xiao Zhan replied while staring at Meera cynically, hearing that Meera immediately approached Xiao Zhan.

"Conflict ?? Am I bring The conflict ? No but am telling the truth. I will tell you a secret, but I will only do that if you are ready. Hey!, Xiao Zhan! Wait!, Xiao Zhan! "

Meera shouted again because Xiao Zhan ignored, the man surnamed Xiao turned to return to his room.

"It's about your ring, ah no ... your wedding ring. I told you, the ring wasn't Mr. Yibo who chose it! "

"What do you mean Meera?"

Flashback Off.

Xiao Zhan wiped his tears slowly flowing, after running from the main room, Xiao Zhan chose to enter his own room, the room he had occupied when he was a prisoner of Wang Yibo.

Xiao Zhan's tears were getting heavier when he accidentally stared at the silver carvings that surrounded his ring finger.

Hearing all of Meera's narrative made Xiao Zhan not want to believe, he continued to strengthen his heart, repeatedly convincing himself that Wang Yibo was his, he even thought to tease Wang Yibo tonight. But again what Wang Yibo did was just making him even more doubtful, announcing a marriage that might be to attract Lyn's attention, if that was the goal, Xiao Zhan would not be willing.

Xiao Zhan was confused in his heart, with tears in his eyes, Xiao Zhan forced to pull the wedding ring that he had so far appreciated.


The silver white ring rolled on the floor, Xiao Zhan threw it away with an overflowing anger, his breath sounded increasingly difficult and his head began to throb, maybe this time Xiao Zhan really couldn't help but feel angry.

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