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Enjoy (ノ゚0゚)~

"Yubin, another glass, come on.. pour it, hikhhh.. Yubin.. hurry up.. ummm..",

Xiao Zhan who had lost his mind, while Yubin whom Xiao Zhan called earlier was now asleep with his forehead resting on the table.

Xiao Zhan who saw that pursed his lips.

"Tsk... Weak, you said you were celebrating my wedding, why are you sleeping.. ummm.. hikhhh.."

Xiao Zhan chirped with hiccups, his hands unsteadily grabbed the wine bottle and poured it into the glass.

"Hahaha, I'm married, I'm so happy. Let's drink until morning.."

Xiao Zhan was about to drink the wine in his hand, but the newly arrived Wang Yibo immediately stopped him and snatched the glass from Xiao Zhan.

"Give it back.. give it back.. I want a drink"


Xiao Zhan who had already reached his limit now dropped his face on the table, his eyes occasionally opening and closing.

Yibo who saw that ruffled his hair, he looked around, he saw that people were busy chatting, there was no way he would take Xiao Zhan through people, their parents would be worried and make a fuss.

Finally Yibo quietly led Xiao Zhan to enter through the back door, they had to go around the garden until they met the back door.

"Tskk, troublesome."

Yibo said while occasionally shifting Xiao Zhan's head which continued to fall on his shoulder, Yibo tightened one of Xiao Zhan's hands to wrap around his neck, with a stumbling finally the newlyweds arrived at Wang Yibo's room.

Continuing to hold Xiao Zhan, Yibo slammed their bodies onto the bed, both of them lying down with Xiao Zhan pillowing Wang Yibo's arms.

"Hahhh.. tired.. Xiao Zhan next time you don't get drunk again, I won't be able to keep an eye on you always"


"Hehh ? I'm really worried about it." Yibo's brow furrowed, but then he smiled.

"My husband!, my husband!."

Yibo who was daydreaming jumped in surprise, Xiao Zhan suddenly screamed in his sleep.

"My husband is very handsome."

Xiao Zhan muttered, still closed, Yibo who heard that turned his head and raised an eyebrow, without being asked his lips curved into a smile.

"Of course I'm handsome.. stupid."

Yibo said and was about to get up from his bed, Xiao Zhan who felt Yibo move, tilted his body and hugged Wang Yibo.

"Zhan.. le.. let go.. you sleep here, I sleep upstairs."

Yibo spoke frantically, while Xiao Zhan was getting more comfortable in his sleeping position.

Yibo looked down, he saw Xiao Zhan sleeping with his mouth slightly open, Yibo was stunned for a moment, not long after that he smiled again.

"You're such a mess when you sleep, Lyn is still beautiful when she sleeps, Come on shut your mouth."

Yibo whispered as he touched Xiao Zhan's lower lip with the surface of his index finger, but as much as Yibo tried that much, Xiao Zhan's thin lips opened again. Yibo became more and more interested and tilted his body, he brought Xiao Zhan's lips together again.

The Winner's Tears [ DISCONTINUE ]Where stories live. Discover now