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Typo is My mid name
Enjoy the show~

I still forget which chapter we are now... hahaha


Morning sunligh peeking through the window of Wang Yibo's room, inside it is seen that the owner of the house is busy grooming himself in front of the mirror, putting a tie, a watch and wearing his work coat.

While on the bed not far from the dressing table, another man was lying languidly, his eyes were swollen, his face also looked pale, Xiao Zhan could only sleep when he was in the early morning.

His sadness because he failed to take part in the design competition apparently made an impression, either because of the scathing criticism he received or his regret because he had not been able to provide maximum results.

Yibo looked from the reflection of the glass, he saw Xiao Zhan staring wistfully at him, Yibo shook his head and grabbed the perfume bottle and then sprayed it slightly on the shoulder and chest area.


Yibo said when he was sitting on the side of the bed next to his wife, Yibo's hand grabbed one of Xiao Zhan's still lying hand, Xiao Zhan's face looked so gloomy, because Yibo touched it.

The thin lips began to pierce, maybe the shadows of sadness returned to his mind. Seeing that Yibo immediately looked down to kiss Xiao Zhan's forehead, long enough and soft, the fragrance of Wang Yibo's perfume made Xiao Zhan close his eyes, the anxiety now disappeared for a moment and changed into a comfortable feeling that began to fill his heart.

"Today is the last evaluation before the product launch, I will go home quickly. You get ready, bring all the things you want to carry. Tomorrow we go on vacation. "


"Why?, Don't be sad anymore."

Yibo continued while wiping Xiao Zhan's tears that quietly flowing, Yibo helped Xiao Zhan sit and bring the body leaning against his chest. If he know the consequences, maybe Yibo will not challenge Xiao Zhan to compete.

Xiao Zhan can not be compared to Lyn, initially Yibo thought maybe his little wife had the same potential as that woman, but in fact Xiao Zhan was indeed a pure stone that had not been polished at all, although it was not in accordance with his expectations but Yibo would understand.

After calming Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo left for the office. Because Xiao Zhan could not accompany him to breakfast, this morning Yibo immediately went to work without eating anything.

On the other hand, Xiao Zhan was still sad thinking about his failure, the work he made with difficulty was in fact not enough to make up for the sweat and fatigue that he had sacrificed for a whole month.

"I am not talented, how can I become a fool who dreams of becoming a great designer. I always couldn't think of anything other than drawing, but I just ended up disappointing myself and also disappointing Wang Yibo. How stupid! "
Xiao Zhan murmured by occasionally wiping his tears.

Now Xiao Zhan is busy staring at his cellphone, his thumb little by little moves to scroll the Instagram page he just opened. His heart was even sadder when he saw his dream college post, Standford University was an official account that he followed his progress on Instagram.

Xiao Zhan wiped his cellphone screen, a picture of a European-style building with a line of new students forming a formation that read 'Standford' on a large yard and based on green grass.
If not married maybe he will be one of the students in this photo.

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