Part 9

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Tommo I starting to work fully time
So maybe I'll slow update but not really slow.
Try my best to always update in short time. 😎


The noise of things being moved made someone who was sleeping now squirm disturbed. The man who was about 25 years old slowly opened his eyes, with his eyes still not fully opened he grabbed the alarm clock that was beside the bed.

The small bronze clock looks dull but rich in art with golden needles inside it says 8 am, the man takes off his blanket and sits down while massaging his dizzy head.


shouted the man hysterically because of the scene in front of him, a large oval-shaped glass framed by carved wood now showing his reflection with a convex mirror, surprising. Not only that, he also jumped in surprise because he saw a large gecko now stuck to the wall of his room.


he said while holding his hand against his chest which was beating strongly.

"Yes ?"

replied the woman who was now busy installing strange furniture on her dressing table, from her tone she sounded not at all guilty because she had woken up the man who was her husband.

"Can you stop this Lyn?, every day you bring strange things into this house, this room doesn't look comfortable, it looks more like an antique shop."

Said the man with his eyes looking at Lyn who didn't stop from his activities.

"Lyn, if this is really your hobby I'm fine, but can you not force me to like these things too ?" The man said again, but Lyn who didn't answer finally made the man feel annoyed.

"I'm talking to you, are you deaf or don't want to respect me!."



"If you don't like it why don't you just get out of here?." Lyn replied casually.

The man who had just woken up groaned in frustration, he got out of bed and approached Lyn.

"Ahhh, let it go.. Shuwan! You're such a shit, thank goodness I want to marry you, Ahhhhhh it hurts ahh .. "
Lyn cried as her husband tightened his tuft.

"Shut up !, whose house do you think this is Lyn? dare to throw me out, why don't you just go huh !?"

said the man named Shuwan was no less fierce, while Lyn just stared cynically at the man who was her husband.


Shuwan pushed Lyn to hit the dressing table behind Lyn, Shuwan pressed the cable phone on the table in his room.
Not long after that 2 adult men wearing Bodyguards were now knocking on the door and entering his room.

"Get rid of all this trash from my room! change as before. Lyn you better save your weird stuff before I throw it away!!"
After saying that, Shuwan came out of his room.

"Damn you Shuwan, I will kill you! You bastards stop, don't touch my stuff!, stop or I'll fire you!, stop.. stop!."

Lyn shouted while blocking 2 people who started to lift their things, Lyn was useless screaming, her threats didn't stop the work of Shuwan's people.


( Eeeuuh 😒 )


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