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Typo is my mid name

Y may doesn't like zhan in this chap.. so

Enjoy the show~

Since the afternoon Xiao Zhan has been locked up in this wide room, Wang Yibo without mercy does not want to bother visiting him or just delivering food.

Small and slender body looks curled up on the edge of the bed, the face is slightly swollen with the marks of tears that have dried on both cheeks, clear eyes that are usually sparkling are now covered with sadness accompanied by the sound of a slow breath coming out of the thin lips of the young man who was married to Wang Yibo.

Afternoon was gone, the night was taking over, Xiao Zhan who had just fallen asleep was now moving nervously when he heard the clatter of approaching him.

The owner of the weak body with clothes that were scratched by the wall coloring finally opened his eyes, he saw a woman with a smile approaching while carrying a tray filled with food.

"Finally the day arrived. Unfortunately, you should have considered before destroying the room. "

Meera grinned after putting the food tray on the nightstand near Xiao Zhan lying down.

"Eat, I'm afraid you don't have the energy to face tomorrow. You do not misunderstand, not Mr. Yibo who told me to deliver food, this is just my good intentions, assume you are indebted. "

Hearing that, Xiao Zhan looked away because he was disgusted with the full pretense of Meera. Instead of being offended, the woman just chuckled, she knew enough that Xiao Zhan's mentality had been depressed, he only needed to wait for Xiao Zhan to leave this house, and it wouldn't be long.

Meera then sauntered out and again locked the door of the room where Xiao Zhan was locked up. Xiao Zhan glanced at the wall clock, almost at 8 pm,

did Wang Yibo really not come?

Where was the man's heart so that he could lock him up here ?

what was the problem of the bedroom on the 4th floor was even more important than himself who was a legitimate couple of him ?

Xiao Zhan slowly raised his body to lean on the head of the bed, he slightly looked at the tray that Meera had brought, delicious food and arouse his appetite presented there, but with the burden of his mind right now, to lift just one spoonful of food he didn't want it.

But if he remember Meera's words, Xiao Zhan again wants to race against her, he can't end up pathetic in this room, if indeed Wang Yibo doesn't care, at least he has to survive until he can find a way out.

Xiao Zhan's hand moved to reach the tray of a bowl of warm noodles beside him, when he wanted to take the spoon lying beside the bowl, at that moment his eyes stared at something else.

Xiao Zhan's eyes widened slightly, he quickly moved the tray back to the nightstand, his hand moved to take the small object he had seen, with Xiao Zhan hurriedly toward the door of the room in front of him.


the door successfully opened, Xiao Zhan who saw it glared in disbelief, apparently Meera included a duplicate key on the tray she had brought.

Without much thinking Xiao Zhan headed to his room, he just needed to take a cellphone and wallet. The room that he and Wang Yibo used to use was so dark, Xiao Zhan knew that Wang Yibo might not be here, the man was usually meditating on the 4th floor or maybe he was out for work.

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