Part 14

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Happy Late Valentine
But sadly I'm still single till now

How about you guys ?? 🤭


After eating their food, it was time to pay the bill, Xiao Zhan was standing about 2 meters behind Shuwan, his eyes were worried, worried that Shuwan would ask him to pay. Shuwan looked back, he smiled slightly when he saw Xiao Zhan's tense face, Shuwan took out his black debit and paid all the bills, only after they left the restaurant, Xiao Zhan could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Where are you going ?."
Shuwan asked before driving the car.

"Emmm.. I.. I don't know yet.."
Xiao Zhan replied with a slight bow, his face gloomy again.

"You ran away?." guessed Shuwan, but Xiao Zhan didn't answer.

Shuwan looks thoughtful, he plans to help Xiao Zhan, maybe by renting out an apartment. Shuwan was surprised, today he is very kind to strangers. Shuwan turned his head, so did Xiao Zhan.

"How about...",

"I want to go to Zhuo Cheng's house, my friend."

Shuwan and Xiao Zhan said at the same time, hearing that Shuwan frowned slightly, why did he feel disappointed ?, Shuwan shrugged and nodded, he drove his car with Xiao Zhan is a guide.

"Thank you, I won't forget your help today."

Xiao Zhan slightly bowed his head in gratitude when the car stopped right in front of Zhuo Cheng's apartment, Xiao Zhan raised his head because Shuwan didn't say anything, Xiao Zhan finally gave an awkward smile, then turned around to open the car door.


Shuwan's voice stopped Xiao Zhan's hand from moving.

Xiao Zhan who heard that turned his head, he saw Shuwan took a small note on the back seat, after that he was seen writing something.

"Ahh.. what is this?."
Xiao Zhan asked as Shuwan held out the piece of paper he had written earlier, Xiao Zhan held the paper while reading the writing inside which contained a 4 digit number, while Shuwan's hand stretched out towards him as if asking for something.

"Money?, you're asking for money?." asked Xiao Zhan confused, Shuwan nodded confidently.

Xiao Zhan closed his eyes, soaking up his bad luck today, after a painful fact he heard from Wang Yibo's mouth, now he has been framed by a swindler.

"Yeah you're right, I ran away."
Xiao Zhan said after taking a deep breath.

"I don't care."

Shuwan replied who was still holding out his hand, inside he was smiling, it turned out that this sweet young man was alone.

"I..I mean, you know.. I don't have any money, how can I pay for it, this figure doesn't make any sense anyways, are you trying to blackmail me?. Was a serving of Sushi at the restaurant just 3000 Yuan?."

Shuwan shook his head.

"Not only food money, it also includes metered nominal, my car's gasoline is reduced and you also have to pay a fine for embarrassing me in front of many people, what if someone takes a picture of my face, puts it in the national news, then I go viral and my fans will be angry, after that they disappeared one by one."
It was clear Shuwan who was giggling in his heart.

"You.. are you an artist?, who wants to take your picture. Ahh whatever, I don't want to pay.!."
Xiao Zhan snapped and was about to open the car door.

The Winner's Tears [ DISCONTINUE ]Where stories live. Discover now