TWT 33

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I'm happy seeing many of you guys really waiting for this story...🤩🤩

So.. before y start to read this chapter allow me to say that...... I have decided I will quit as a translator from now. No special reason, just wanted to stop Because the mood can't lie Nd am sorry I need to unpub my last ff that I can't continue.

To the readers, thank you for reading nd enjoying for the story that I choose, lot of funny comments. Thank you for accompanying me in every piece of writing that I write. I really appreciate it.
Writing has been a wonderful experience for me.

But, the time has come to say goodbye to you all.

So this is will be my last good farewell for you guys..
hope you enjoy it a lot.


The atmosphere suddenly became silent when Wang Yibo raised his voice slightly, as if to show that he was the leader whose words must be heard, no one dared to argue, everyone in the room finally continued the meeting, without exception Jia Lyn who was also forced to obey even though her face was already red extinguished with anger.

On the other hand, Xiao Zhan looked indifferent but he was also secretly paying attention to the proceedings of the meeting.

"This project is a big project that we cannot ignore. The demand from Paris market consumers is quite high. The director of the cooperation company even wants us to immediately innovate the product. The plan is that the product will be launched next fall. Because this meeting is very important, the person who has the right to carry out negotiations is the executive branch. The team leader and I will represent the project team, and Director Wang will also come along to discuss contract matters.

This is the product design that I have prepared, try to pay attention to the details of this jewelry set, the carvings deliberately emphasize the impression of autumn..."

The sound of a chair being moved violently startled everyone, including Jia Lyn who was giving a presentation who turned around with a shocked and angry face when she realized who the perpetrator was.

Xiao Zhan suddenly stood up, without further do Xiao Zhan immediately left the meeting room and closed the door as hard as he could. Seeing that, Wang Yibo couldn't say anything, he ruffled his hair in frustration then stood up from his seat.

"Continue with the meeting. Mei, send the results of the meeting to my email."

"Okay sir."

After giving brief directions, Wang Yibo hurried to catch up with Xiao Zhan who was now standing waiting for the elevator doors to open.

The elevator door opened, Xiao Zhan stepped in, not long after someone followed him from behind, Xiao Zhan knew it was Wang Yibo, but he was reluctant to turn around.

"Xiao Zhan, why are you here? Didn't you hear the doctor say? You have to rest. You are allowed to go home, but you still have to comply with the doctor's said."


"And what you did earlier was very inappropriate, you know it was a project meeting, can entering and leaving the room as you please make you very happy or even happier ?"

The elevator continued to move down to the lobby floor, Xiao Zhan still maintained a straight face as if he didn't want to respond to his husband, but Wang Yibo was never not annoying, the man kept urging him to talk.

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