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Typo is my friend 😎
Enjoy the show~

Anyway have y check my new ff called ( SHARED TEARS )
If you're angsters genre go nd read 👌
Dun forget to save nd comments as well 🥳

Wang Yibo, a poor man who loves his past too much, for years he could not escape the shadow of a girl named Lyn. In fact he is a warm and loyal man, but his trust in others is eroded as the loss of hope awaits the return of Lyn.

Unfortunately Wang Yibo's commitment to love a name suddenly collapsed when he met Xiao Zhan, a man who had the courage like Lyn, a frank nature, did not hesitate to oppose him, also had a high charm made Yibo again see a figure in his past.

The fact that Lyn was married finally made Wang Yibo only look at Xiao Zhan, he decided to marry the person who he thought was the most appropriate to replace Lyn, Wang Yibo put his ego above love, ignored the matter of the heart and put forward his obsession.

But one thing that Wang Yibo never considered, he could not hold time, there was a time when he did not have the power to control it.

"Mmmmhh .. Yibo .. hurts .. Yibo emmhhh .."
a man who is now shed tears, his lower body feels torn and leaves a great pain.

"Honey, relax okay .. ahhh .. you're so tight Zhan."

Yibo's reply to stop his movements, he waited for Xiao Zhan to calm down, Yibo kissed Xiao Zhan's sweaty temple, Yibo could guess, the pain must be extreme.

"I don't want to, it hurts so much ... Euuhh ..."
Xiao Zhan whined with a hand holding Yibo's waist so he didn't move.

"A little more in, hold on."

Yibo said then kissed Xiao Zhan's lips for a moment, he saw Xiao Zhan shook his head slightly, but Yibo gave a warm look so that Xiao Zhan would believe it, Xiao Zhan finally nodded in resignation.

Yibo's cock was again crushed in the submissive's ring hole, his hands holding Xiao Zhan's knees, which had been about to close, so that his cock that had just entered some of it had now completely submerged in his wife's warm hole.

"Mmmhh Zhan .. You're delicious dear ... Awhhhh."

"Ahhh .. yahh .. emmhh yibo slowly, ahhh .."

Xiao Zhan's sigh was heard, after trying many times they finally managed to penetrate, and the pain also became more, sweat continued to flow from between Xiao Zhan's hair, showing that he had exerted a lot of energy for this.

Yibo pushed his waist back slowly, his eyes continued to stare at Xiao Zhan's messy face, Yibo's mind floated, his first sex was very delicious, he really didn't mean, but somehow Lyn's face suddenly crossed his mind.

Yibo shook his head, he did not want to make a mistake a second time, he did not want Xiao Zhan go again, at this time he really needed this figure beside him.

Yibo tried to restore his focus, under there Xiao Zhan's lips had been piercing, Yibo was concerned about wiping Xiao Zhan's tears, why he felt unable to bear, but Yibo ignored his mother's taste and moved back to torture the man's hole underneath.

"Ahh Zhan, relax honey , don't cry, mmmhh .."

Yibo whispered and then scooped Xiao Zhan's lips, soft and intoxicating Yibo gave to the comfort, he then slightly do the movement of his hips.

"Ahhh .. ahhh .. you are sexy dear .."

Yibo's racing slightly tilted his head, while Xiao Zhan had grimaced in pain, he bit his lower lip because Yibo's tempo was getting faster, Xiao Zhan was sure his butt would be torn.

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