Part XIX

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Typo is my friend 😎
Enjoy the show~

Meera's face looks pale when she realizes the figure in front of her is real, Xiao Zhan is back and having breakfast with Wang Yibo, for a moment Meera lost focus because of the shock that hit her brain.

"That's impossible you are, Xiao Zhan?"
Meera dialogue with herself.

"Meera, Meera."

Wang Yibo called, but Meera had not returned from his surprise, until she gasped when he heard Xiao Zhan's voice.

"Meera, isn't it hot?"

Xiao Zhan asked, while Meera was still staring at the questioning with a look of disbelief.

"Your feet are splashed with hot tea, how that feel ?"

Xiao Zhan said again, pointing at Meera's feet covered in tea water, Meera who followed Xiao Zhan's index finger immediately shook his head.

"Ah ... yes ... it's hot ...geezz "

Meera answered shattered, she panicked again because she saw the cup of tea she was carrying was now scattered on the floor.

"So... sorry sir, I'll get a new one."

Meera said like a daze and then returned to the kitchen, while Yibo who wanted to take an expletive was immediately detained by Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan quickly pushed the drinking glass for his husband.

"It's okay, she might be surprised to see me back."

Said Xiao Zhan, who also drank water as a breakfast done.

Soon Meera returned with tea for Yibo.

"The tea, sir."

Meera made a soft voice with a slight glance at Xiao Zhan, but Xiao Zhan naturally ignored it.

"Why only one? You don't see Xiao Zhan here ?"

Yibo asked with a little annoyed.

"Um ... that ... Sir ... ",

" It's okay Yibo, I'm not used to drinking tea in the morning ",

cut Xiao Zhan who increasingly made Meera furious.

"Tsk witches, very good at looking for face. Ciih, I'll make sure you won't stay in this house for long. "

Meera thought while squeezing the end of her uniform tightly.

"Alright, alright ... clean the broken glass, next time you have to be careful Meera. Working carelessly can harm you and others. "

Yibo said while waving his hand a sign that Meera could leave.

"I'm sorry sir, I will remember."

Meera answered then moved to get a broom and a broken glass.

"Zhan, after this I have to send documents for Haikuan, only briefly."

Yibo said, staring at Xiao Zhan.

"Need now?"

"Yes, Zhan, this time the project is large and the time is also urgent. Wait at home, I won't be long. "

After finding Xiao Zhan's approval, Yibo went to his room to get the documents and also the coat, Xiao Zhan also helped and drove Yibo to the main door.

"If there is anything contact me, father also seems to have been to haikuan ge office." Yibo said then kissed Xiao Zhan's forehead briefly.

"Ehhmm .. be careful .. don't forget tonight we buy my cellphone."

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