Part 8

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Xiao Zhan was still silent on Wang Yibo's lap, the two of them stared at each other for a long time. Xiao Zhan seemed to be thinking, his hand that was wrapped around Yibo's neck he was about to pull, but Yibo held it.

"Do you want to be my wife, Xiao Zhan?"
Yibo asked again, staring at Xiao Zhan's eyes no less.

Yibo's gaze slowly descended to Xiao Zhan's puffy nose, after which he lowered his gaze again until it stopped at Xiao Zhan's thin and moist lips. It didn't take long for Xiao Zhan's face to turn red with embarrassment from Yibo's intense stare.

Yibo smiled faintly and leaned forward, his head tilted slightly to bring their lips together.

Wang Yibo closed his eyes and gently scooped Xiao Zhan's lips, a soft kiss with a slight kiss, Yibo's tongue brushed against Xiao Zhan's lips then both his lips sucked Xiao Zhan's lower lip.

The stimulation that Yibo gave was very intoxicating, Xiao Zhan tightened the links of his fingers behind Yibo's neck, his body felt tingling because his desire was provoked by Wang Yibo.

"Your kiss sucks..."

Yibo whispered slightly, making Xiao Zhan even more embarrassed. Seeing Xiao Zhan bowing his head, Yibo pulled Xiao Zhan's chin so that his face was facing him again.

"No problem, I'll teach you..."


"Hahaha,.. Zhan I'm just joking, your kisses are very good, especially your lips feel.. mmmhhhhhp emmmh.."

Yibo couldn't continue his sentence because Xiao Zhan covered Yibo's mouth with one hand.

"Shut up! You've been talking about embarrassing things lately."

Annoyed Xiao Zhan while looking away.

"There's no one here, just the two of us, why are you still embarrassed."


"When are you coming to my house?"

Xiao Zhan again had a serious expression on his face.

"As soon as possible, but before that we have to visit my father, I can't go to your house alone, your father must have killed me..."

Yibo teased as he lightly pinched Xiao Zhan's cheek.

Xiao Zhan nodded slightly, after thinking for a moment, Xiao Zhan said again with a shy smile.

"Yibo I accept your purpose, let's get married."


Yibo didn't answer making Xiao Zhan frown, doesn't Yibo like his answer?

"What's with that face of yours?"

asked Xiao Zhan who saw Wang Yibo's expressionless face.

"Ahh no... really?, you accept me?"
The question that sounded confused Xiao Zhan answered with a nod.

Yibo froze in place again, at this moment Xiao Zhan didn't look like Lyn, Lyn was an elegant girl who didn't agree to just anyone's request, Lyn would take a long time to calculate the profit and loss, but Xiao Zhan was different.

Yibo once again saw the difference between Xiao Zhan and Lyn, currently Xiao Zhan was just a young man that Yibo had just married.

"Lyn, why do you always haunt my mind, even when you are married, you still make me remember you. You are so selfish, how can I let you go?"

Xiao Zhan lowered his gaze, disappointed by Wang Yibo's reaction, but he flinched when Yibo's hand grabbed his back and kissed his lips aggressively again.

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