Chapter 16: The Gift Of Family

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I immediately began to sob as I saw them.
My sister was following by my mom.
I fell to my knees and sobbed loud and hard.
"Is that Damian, mom?" asked Angel.
As soon as they were in close distance, I jumped high and hugged my mom tight.
"Mom... D-dad... A-A-Ang... Angel..." I sobbed into my moms shoulder.
"Yes. This is Damian," answered Uxie.
I could feel my mom instantly hug back, as well as my dad and sister.
They began to cry as well.
It only caused me to sob louder.
It took me at least five minutes to end my crying fit.
I didn't let go of my family in that time.
When I recuperated my thoughts, I released myself and started to speak.
"You... Absol... Uh... Floatzel..." I was at a loss for words.
"How?" I managed to say finally.
"Azelf told your family of our arrival. Floatzel and myself took it upon ourselves to bring your family here," explained Absol.
"Yeah, but... How did you do it? I mean... with Team Plasma?"
"Easy. We just cloaked them so they could make it here unseen," replied Uxie.
I wiped my face and smiled at my parents.
"What're they saying mommy?" asked Angel.
"I don't know sweetheart."
"Can you hear me?" I asked mentally.
All of their eyes widened.
"Oh my God... It is Damian!" yelled dad.
He got to one knee, as did my mom and Angel.
"Yeah! It... It's me. Oh my gosh. I'm so happy to see you guys," I chuckled.
"Damian! You really are a Riolu. Looks like I'm your big sister now," commented Angel.
I laughed.
"Nope. You're still my little sister. I may not look like it, but I'm still 17-"
"Eighteen," corrected Weavile.
"Eighteen," I echoed.
"Damian, I'm just so shocked that Team Plasma has the technology to do this. You're seriously a Riolu," dad said smugly.
"You know Lewis had to come over the day with the police. I swear I could've killed him," mom snarled.
"Well I'm glad you didn't. Killing that punk would've been a blessing for him. He needs to learn what suffering is. Heck, maybe I'll turn him into a Bidoof, see how he likes it," I joked lightheartedly.
A few of the others laughed.
"Happy birthday, Damian," blurted mom.
"Happy birthday," Angel and dad added simultaneously.
"Thanks," I laughed.
"You know, we were worried sick about your Pokemon. We thought they went missing or something. We didn't think they'd be with you like this," said dad.
"What's it like, big brother? Talking to Pokemon? Do they talk funny? Can you know what they're saying?" asked Angel.
"Weavile, say hi to my parents," I joked.
"What?! I have the funniest accent? That's not right!" laughed Weavile.
My sister giggled.
"You talk funny, Weavile."
"We all talk funny, Angel," added Staraptor.
"This is just so... Freaky. I'm talking to Pokemon. It's like some weird dream," said mom.
"Yeah. I felt the same way at first. Now it just feels natural. Well... Because I'm a Pokemon myself anyways," I stated.
There was a small pause of silence.
"Umm... What to talk about? Hmm... I know! You've met Absol right?" I asked.
"Yes, we have," said mom.
"Absol is definitely the smartest living being on this planet."
"Not true, Damian. I am appreciative of the compliment, but I must admit there are many intelligent individuals such as myself."
"See what I mean! He has such a huge vocabulary!" I laughed.
I then set my attention to Gallade.
"This guy over here is Gallade. He's really a great fighter, he's training me for the fight against Team Plasma. But not just that, he makes sculptures using the blade on his arm. And his cave is completely covered in carvings! This is Tay, she's a shiny Eevee."
"You're a pretty Eevee, Tay," complimented mom.
"Oh! Th-thank you miss..." Tay muttered.
"Tay is really nice! Not to mention she's an awesome painter! I mean, look at this thing. She painted this herself!" I exclaimed, handing my dad the painting.
His eyes widened at the image, as did my mom's.
"You did this?" asked dad.
"Yeah... I made it for his birthday today," muttered Tay.
"Its amazing. You even got Damian in the background," said Angel, peering at the portrait.
The subject quickly changed.
"So, what're you eating nowadays?" asked dad, "you look thin."
"Whatever Pokemon eat, really. Mostly just berries and poffins."
"Do you know how to fight at all?" mom blurted out.
I scratched the back of my neck.
"Not really..."
"Tell them about your training today, Damian," said Weavile.
My family just waited for me to keep talking.
"Okay. Me and Gallade were training today, but Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit said that they have an amazing kind of training for me. I was in a simulation of the time Team Plasma nearly captured me and... Beat up Staraptor. Anyways, from what Uxie and her sisters tell me, I used an Extremespeed attack, then followed it with an aura sphere."
"Wow... That's pretty neat... I suppose..." mom sighed.
She paused for a long while.

"I really miss you sweetheart, and... You still don't know when you'll be a human again?" Mom sighed.
"No... I... I don't even know if I can be a human again... Chances are Team Plasma isn't going to have a machine thing that turns me into a human again. At this point I can only hope though..." I said, slyly peering at Absol grinning at me.
"You'll never be human again?!" exclaimed Angel.
I stared down at my paws for feet, then raised my view to my family.
"Probably not..." I mumbled.
My whole family seemed to release a huge sigh of sorrow.
The entire room became ominously silent.
"It stinks... Not having ya home buddy," muttered dad.
Near tears, I replied, "I know dad..."
We formed another group hug, my grip tighter than last time.
I could feel a tear trickle down my face.
"But... Even if I can't be human again, I'm still Damian right...? I just," I huffed, "I think..."
I couldn't seem to stumble across any more words after that.
"Damian, human or not, you are an amazing person. You are incredibly lively, energetic, and fantastic to converse with. You have only managed to impress me and continue to do so as you thrive onward with your journey."
I looked down, feeling overwhelmed with a warm feeling inside.
"When you and I first met, you were hesitant to be honest with me when I asked about your personal life. Despite that I informed my relation with humans is scarce, you still were truthful. You could have easily lied through your teeth, and I only would have believed you. It was immediately that I became certain of your future. You will thrive, and only continue to do so, Damian. No matter the hardship, I have the utmost faith in you. I cannot truly express how much it means to me that you succeed and do not give up," Absol almost shed a tear of joy.
I was already crying again, I just hadn't noticed it.
Mom, Angel, even dad were wide eyed.
"Th-thanks... Absol ..." I croaked.
I sighed heavily.
There was a brief silence enveloping the entire cafeteria.
Moments passed and not a word was spoken.
Absol nudged me with his head.
"Anyways, shall we continue your celebration?"
I wiped my eyes with my forearm and chuckled.
"Yeah... These gifts aren't gonna open themselves," I added with a forced smile.
Absol was right.
I am a strong person, and I'll only be just that as long I live.

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