Chapter 21: The Unthinkable

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Buniot was laying next to the radio, his eyes closed, enjoying the classical tune playing obviously. I was sitting in the dining chair, my head resting in my paws. The thought of not changing back never left my mind since yesterday. If I had pen and paper, or even the ability to read or write, here's what I would jot down...


Make more friends than you ever have

You'll always be safe

Pokemon are always nice to each other

You can still live with your family

You'll be known as the legend who fought off Team Plasma every step of the way

You'll be able to talk to all of your new friends you've made

You'll have amazing powers


Your family won't be able to look at you the same anymore

The only con sounded sketchy, but that was how I felt. My parents have never owned a Pokemon, and what would happen if they had to look after one. Sure, I'd still be Damian on the inside, but how would they hug me without nearly crushing me? How could I say good night or I love you and have them understand me? Angel wouldn't have a big brother to take care of her. Angel... How Angel would be affected was what bothered me most.

Sometimes she would come to my room and talk to me whenever she was upset about someone at school or in the neighborhood picking on her. If I'm a Riolu, what can I do? Other than beat the kids who pick on her, senseless. Is my change of heart completely selfish? Am I only thinking of myself here? I sighed, fighting back a tear of frustration.

Buniot didn't notice, and I was glad he didn't. Buniot cared a lot. It was no doubt he thought a lot of me either. He has a huge heart, and he's a great friend. Then again, almost every Pokemon I've met is.

I pounded my paw onto the table, cursing under my breath. I couldn't take it anymore, the stress was killing me. I stood up, leering at the table with this random anger ready to burst.

I could hear Buniot turning off his music, I didn't turn to face him.

"Hey, Damian? You okay man?" asked Buniot cautiously.

I replied by simply huffing in anger. What was the meaning behind this anger? I honestly didn't know. But I was at my breaking point, which meant someone was going to get hurt. And if someone was going to get hurt, I had to get away from Buniot.

"Just leave me alone right now Buniot... I'm going for a walk..." I muttered between heaving breaths.

"Ohh... Ya want me--"

"No, Buniot... I... I need to be alone..." I bit my lip.

I jumped through the roof of his home via the secret hatch. As I made it outside, I felt as though I just needed to punch something. Blow something up with an aura sphere. My only outlet for anger right now was pure aggression it seemed. I looked all around, finally deciding to make my way to the West of Wisp Town.

I wasn't far from Buniot's home before he yelled, "Damian! Where're you going?! If you go that way you'll run into those Plasma guys! They've got a base or something that way!"

My eyes widened, and my body tensed up.

"Good..." was my only reply. And I simply continued walking.

I could hear Buniot quickly scampering behind me.

"Damian! What're you doing, man! What's wrong? Come on bro, you're starting to freak me out!" he exclaimed.

"Buniot, just leave me alone! I'll be back soon..." I assured him.

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