Chapter 33: Greninja's Haunting Past

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The night was still young, and I knew Greninja wasn't going to return for another hour. Buniot was half asleep as we spoke, and it was ironic considering I trained and he didn't.

"Stay here, okay? I'm gonna check on Greninja."

"What...? Why?" he yawned.

"There's something about this place that bothering him. I think maybe I could talk to him about it," I replied.

"I wouldn't do that. He said he doesn't wanna be bothered, dude. Just let him be."

I shook my head, "I just wanna learn more about him y'know? It's... Kinda weird and hard to explain but... He knows everything about me and I hardly know about him. He talks to me about any problems I have, so why not return the favor?"

Buniot continued to protest, "Greninja's rational enough as it is. If he has any problems he deals with em himself. That's just how he is..."

"Okay... But I still wanna know more about this place. And if we're leaving any time soon I'd like to know about it before we go."

Buniot sighed, "Okay dude... Just don't get in trouble with Greninja."

I nodded and stood, "I'll be back in a bit."

Buniot closed his eyes and lied back down, "See ya tomorrow."

I closed my eyes, attempting to find Greninja's location with aura vision. I didn't have an immediate trace of him until I looked down and noticed his foot prints under the pine needles and leaves. I grinned, and used my aura vision to lead myself to Greninja. The forest was pitch black now, making visibility impossible, so all I could rely on anyways was my second set of eyes. The aura vision was probably the best part of being a Riolu and possibly the coolest.

I followed his prints until I finally made an exit from the forest and noticed myself blocked off by a tall mountain that seemed to spread for quite the distance. As I closed my eyes, I noticed traces of webbed hands and feet running up the mountain. Bingo.

I then inspected how I would climb, and only wondered how the heck Greninja did it. Judging from his prints it looked like he just ran up the mountain. I shrugged and began to climb ledge after ledge, occasionally jumping as high as I can to make better time and reach the higher ledges. It wasn't long before I noticed his aura through the mountain.

Greninja seemed to just be standing there. His arms folded as usual, and he was just... Staring out in the distance. As I continued my climb and I became within the distance I could hear him speak I heard him talking to himself.

"-can hear me, sister... I love you... I always have... Wherever you are, please just be safe. I know you're in this place, and maybe with the help of these two boys I'm watching over I can finally find you..."

As I made it to the very top with Greninja, I tried to pull myself up, but my right arm slipped, then my left arm. I then felt myself begin to fall down the mountain, but I didn't go far as I felt a hand grabbing my wrist, which then pulled me onto the ledge.

"Damian!? What are you doing here!?" yelled Greninja, "I told you to stay with Buniot!"

"I dunno... It looked like something was bothering you and I just wanted check on ya..."

He sighed out of frustration, "I don't need therapy from someone who is both younger and less intelligent than myself. Now go back to Buniot, now!"

"You said it yourself Greninja... I'm capable of becoming smarter, stronger, and faster than you. Maybe I don't know everything... But I do know that talking things out really gets rid of stress," I said nervously.

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