Chapter 23: The Boat, Waves, and Oars

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I grunted as I sat up from the soft bed in Buniot's cave. I looked around see that it was obviously night time. Buniot was snoring softly as he slept and my first thought as I had awaken was, "What happened?"

And then it hit me, and all I could do then was lean back against the wall and sigh out of what I'm sure was confusion. I needed to talk to someone, and I needed to talk to someone now. Talk to them about why I really attacked Team Plasma, but who could I talk to?

*If only Absol were here.*

And then I thought for a moment...

"Uxie?" I muttered.

Instantly, there was a reply, "It's Azelf, Damian. Uxie and Mesprit are sleeping. Is everything okay?"

I folded my arms above my knees and replied, "Can I talk to Absol, please?"

"Oh... Alright one sec..."

I could hear only silence for the next two minutes, chuckling softly to myself as Buniot occasionally mumbled nonsense in his sleep.

"Damian, it is very relieving to know that you are safe. And even more relieving to hear from you. How is your situation now?"

I grinned at his voice, "Everything's fine, Absol. But... Then again, it's not..."

"What is troubling you, Damian? You know know that you can speak to me about any thing," he said in my mind.

I nodded and sighed, "Yeah... I know."

"Then what is it?"

"That's just the thing, though. There's no one direction to point to."

"Then let me help you find that direction, Damian. I am your friend, and it's the least I could do," Absol said comfortingly.

I hesitated at first, not sure if I wanted to speak of this yet, but I decided to be strong.

"Absol... I don't think I want to be a human anymore," a lone tear fell down my fur as I said that.

"And why would that be?" he asked.

"Because... I just... I'm not sure why! God, it's so frustrating! I mean, I attacked a Team Plasma camp yesterday just to figure out if I could be a human again and I... I cried and everything after it but..."

"But you felt somewhat relieved that you received the answer you wanted?"

His accuracy continues to astound me.

"Yeah... But I'm sad about it y'know? Maybe they don't have a machine, but if they did or even built one, I think I'd just let everyone else go and destroy the thing. Despite everything happening with Team Plasma, I'm enjoying being a Pokemon. I've never felt so alive before. And then I think about my family and what they'll think of me!" I ranted on, constantly lowering my volume whenever I got too loud to not wake Buniot.

"Damian...? Do you want to hear my honest opinion on this?" asked Absol.

"Yes... Please..."

"You're feelings are totally natural, but that is not all I'm going to say. I will begin with your family. You're family is strong, and they have survived this long without you. You are a man now, and don't take this the wrong way but... You shouldn't worry about your family. They can take care of themselves. Yes, they will miss you, but that does not mean they don't want the best for you. And perhaps the best for you is remaining a Riolu."

"But what if they never see me again? I... Just..." It only felt like every last bit of sorrow I obtained over the past four months had turned into pure anger.

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