Chapter 35: Illusions

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It's not real. It's not real. It's not real. It's not real...

Over and over again I would tell myself those three words as I walked the horror show that were these woods. But then again, was the statement that true even? Everything felt real and I could touch everything around me. Maybe it was real...?

All I knew was that I was being mind screwed by some ghost Pokemon as their take on 'fun'. The way he laughs after everything he does... I know he enjoys what he's doing. My frightened expression after every jump scare or horrifying image of those I was close too. And at times I found myself wondering that maybe just maybe this was one of Greninja's training sessions. Maybe Greninja just got someone to do this to me?

If he did, it will probably lead to quite the argument. There was no proof of my accusation, but a lot of evidence. The fact he wanted us to split up, how this ghost knows my name and my family, it sure didn't seem like a coincidence.

Whatever it was, I hated it. I was terrified and if it was Sir Greninja's doing it was cruel and unusual to do. Then again, when is anything he does not cruel and unusual? This time he's gone too far. And even If this wasn't a training session, why wouldn't he have come back for me?

"Good morning, Damian. Ready for another day of fun?" the ghostly voice asked in all its wickedness.

I woke up with a gasp as Blaziken stood in front of me with sorrow in his eyes.

"Damian... Why did you do this to me... You let them kidnap me..."

"You're not real... Blaziken would never say that..." I snarled past my sluggishness.

"Damian they're going to kill me soon. And all because you were too inconsiderate of me and everyone else. You should have just given yourself to Team Plasma when you had the chance," he said with sigh.

"Not real... Not real... Not real..."

"Damian... You've done this to me... To Staraptor... To Ampharos...... I thought you love us."

I tried with all my might to fight back the tears. This guy wanted me to be sad. To be afraid of his tricks. I was a pawn in his game, and giving him the satisfaction of winning wasn't my goal.

This pawn has a mind of its own.

I snarled and threw a mighty aura sphere towards the premonition. Blaziken vanished in a puff of smoke. I gasped for air, taking heaving breaths to keep my eyes from welling up. I shook my head and growled.

"Damian you realize you just killed Blaziken, right? Wow... That's really harsh of you. At least you put him out of his misery," the haunting voice cackled.

I bared my fangs as I felt an overwhelming energy ebb throughout my body. With a grunt I fired an aura sphere into the darkened forest. One sphere became two. Then three. Then an all out rampage with my attacks.

"Behave yourself. If you hurt my precious forest you will regret it," the voice guaranteed.

I snarled and tossed another energy blast into the darkness, hearing it strike something in the distance. I chuckled in slight satisfaction which was soon replaced by unrelenting pain. I fell to the ground as my head was bludgeoned with enough force to be from a Tyranitar. I moaned and rolled around in the dirt, grabbing my head which was now pulsating. My ears ringing from the strike.

"I warned you..." His voice echoed.

The pain was excruciating, unbearable even. And it was caused by a mere illusion in this wretched forest formed by the menacing mind of whomever was doing this.

After revovery, I looked up to see my family.



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