Chapter 29: No Looking Back

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Tired. I was tired, no... Exhausted. Not to mention hungry.

Despite my stamina as a Riolu, Greninja pushed me past my limits alright. He had me repeat the berry collecting exercise twenty times until I finally managed pass the test with 20 fruit types, and only 3 minutes to complete it. I was only happy to finally be able to sit down and eat.

It was to my dismay that, although I collected a lot of food, there was only enough for one of us.

What did Greninja do? Give it to a Snorlax? My inner voice joked.

I happily obliged and feasted upon the several fruits and berries, occasionally stopping to catch my breath. It was then that I noticed I needed something other than food. Surprisingly, before I could say a word Greninja dropped an improvised bowl filled with water in front of me.

"Thank you..." I said, my mouth full of berries.

"Do not talk with your mouth full. That is my only warning," Greninja scolded.

I sighed and swallowed whatever I was chewing.

"Sorry Sir Greninja."

"Prove you are sorry by not repeating your action," Greninja replied with a scowl.

I know I've only known him for two days, but something seemed.... Off about Greninja. He was a lot more strict today than yesterday. And it had me thinking why. That's when a sudden realization appeared.

"I'm sorry..." I echoed.

"You do not need repeat yourself, I acknowledged you the first time."

"No... I'm sorry you're in this mess, Greninja. You've only known me for one day and all you get is... Well-"

"This was not your fault, Damian. I put some blame on you that I should not have. This was Team Plasma's doing, not yours. I apologize for my accusation, but you must understand that I was angry. But, now that we're here I feel as though I don't want to go back. For so long, I became bored of everyday life. Fighting enemies that underestimate me to only knock them out within seconds. Meditating and learning new attacks. It was very monotonous, but I finally found something to break the cycle. Something I've never done..."

His voice trailed off, "Helping someone who is helpless. I'm training you, mind you, not because I'm bored with everyday life... But because I feel as though of all the decisions I've made in my life, this will be the best. And for the rest of my life, I will remember what I... What YOU have accomplished. I saved someone's life for no reward, and you were competent enough to listen. And honestly, I do not mind if Team Plasma is after me. I will take on each and every human and Pokemon they're made of if I have to."

Greninja grinned at his own confidence, and so did I.

I gradually drank down the water in seconds, then finished the remaining fruits I had left. As there were no food or drink items left, I sighed and closed my eyes.

*Azelf? Mesprit? Uxie? Can any of you hear me? Is everyone safe?*

I was almost certain it wouldn't work, and my certainty was proved as there was no reply.

"It will be difficult, Damian. You're a long ways from home, and we will only continue to go farther from it. This was mainly my idea to begin with, to get as far as possible from Team Plasma infested territory. Team Plasma grunts are everywhere and they will only continue to be until you are captured or dead."

I thought about his last word for a moment.

"Dead...? Or... Maybe presumed dead," I said with a rising inflection.

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