Chapter 38: Reunited

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I sunk my body lower into the warmth of the spring, sighing with relief as I slowly fall further into the water.

The water was much to my surprise, hot. Almost like a hot shower back home. It had me questioning how such a spring got so warm in the first place, but the questioning quickly subsided as my body collapsed in comforting bliss.

I closed my eyes and began to think. Think of nothing in particular, just use this time to think of anything that pops up into my head.

I coulda sworn Greninja or Buniot would've been around here somewhere. This place looks really familiar...

"Get out of there, Damian," a very familiar voice instructed, almost answering my thought.

My eyes shot opened, and as they did, I whirled around to face...

"Greninja!" I laughed as I threw myself from the hot spring.

He frowned, "Let me stop you there. Wipe that smile off of your face, because right now there is little to be happy about."

My smile faded, my curiosity and woe instantly rising exponentially.

Greninja sighed, "Damian... I... I have troubling news. I'm sorry to say this but... Buniot is... well... he..."

My body tensed up, not prepared for what I thought Greninja was going to say.

"Buniot is..."

There was a small "CRACK" nearby.

"Right behind you!" Buniot's voice yelled.

It was within my split-second timing and cunning Pokemon instincts to whirl around to only punch Buniot in the chest. He fell to the ground with a thud, wailing from the pain of my strike.

"Oww... Geez Damian... Was that really... Necessary?" Buniot groaned.

My eyes widened at the situation, "Were you guys trying to scare me or something?"

"It was Buniot's idea, not mine. However I do think it was quite amusing."

"You liked it because you didn't get punched by a Riolu..." remarked Buniot.

I chuckled and helped him up with one paw. I could even hear Greninja releasing short laughs behind me, which had to be a first.

"You had me scared for a minute there, Gren-"

Greninja stared me down, his smile diminishing, mine doing the same.

"Sir Greninja..." I chuckled sheepishly. I swear I wasn't doing that on purpose.

He nodded his head in relief, "This seemed a lot funnier in my mind. Anyways, I'm curious as to what happened while you were gone."

"I'm curious as to how you guys found me! Where did you even come from?"

"You cannot be serious? Our beds are a mere three minutes away from this place," Greninja scoffed, "The better question is, where did you come from?"

I shivered from the cold air passing through my fur, "Ooh cold... Umm... Well, it's kind of a weird story actually..."

I gave Greninja a detailed description of the events that occurred as I was separated from him and Buniot. Everything from the horrors I suffered, how I overcame them, and even the guy telling me he was being controlled by a legendary Pokemon and that he wanted to see me once my training with Greninja was done.

"After your training? For what reason would this character have interest in you?"

I shrugged at Sir Greninja, "I dunno. He said he wanted to train me himself, but once I'm done training with you, I don't think I'll need any more training anyways."

Sir Greninja nodded, "Regardless of what happened, I'm glad to see you have made it out okay. We're three days behind on your training, which means there will be much less time for breaks. IF you earn them, even."

"Yeah, I sorta guessed that-"

We all paused for a moment, then Buniot asked, "Are you hungry?"

Shuddering, I replied, "Y-yeah... Kinda."

"Then let's find some food, shall we? Damian, why don't you do the honors?"

I grinned, "Sure... Why not?"

Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit were in the coliseum. Surrounded by the many Pokemon who were going to offer their support in the battle against Team Plasma and their tyranny. Standing with them were Damian's team of Pokemon, his family, as well as Absol and Gallade.

Azelf silenced the lurid crowd, awaiting their utmost attention. As the coliseum went silent, it was Uxie who began their speech.

"Everyone, I would like to start by saying thank you for being here! Just the fact that you're sitting down in this coliseum means that you are prepared for the battle ahead. As you know, we are all prisoners thanks to the human group known as Team Plasma. Some of us are more imprisoned than others. But today is when this all ends. We will be free, as will everyone else we know and love. My sister, Azelf, will explain the plan to you now."

Uxie looked over at Azelf, who nodded.

"Thanks," Azelf muttered, "Okay! We have looked over every option and with a lot of thinking we have decided this is best. We get in, take out every human and Pokemon there, and get out with anyone who's locked up in that place. You were given a number, which was written down by Damian's father, John and handed to you. If you forgot or lost your number, that's okay. Now, your number represents where you'll be in this plan. Group one, you are the poison group. You will be flying overhead with group two and you will use sleep powder overhead. As everyone outside is knocked unconscious, judging from Swellow's information, there are large vents all around the facility. Group 3 will spread throughout the facility and find the vents. After you get to the vents, you will use Smokescreen through them and it will then cloud the entire place from the inside..."

The rest of the plan was layed out quickly amongst the many Pokemon and few humans in the coliseum. There were some agreements and disagreements to the plan, but nonetheless it all remained the same. It was time for action...

It was time... to fight back.

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