Chapter 8: Lotsa Problems

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It was morning, or possibly evening. I wasn't sure yet.

My eyes were awake and ready to get up for the day, but my body wasn't.

I just felt limp all over.

I groaned as I attempted to lift my body off the bed.

"Uggghhhhhhh," I moaned.

"Damian? You up?" Gallade asked from a different room.

"What... Time is it?" I winced as he entered my bedroom.

"It’s about 3 days since you fell asleep."

Now I jolted upwards and stared at him in disbelief.

"THREE DAYS!?" I shouted.

Gallade laughed.

"Nah, I'm just playing with ya. Absol told me you were havin' trouble sleeping after your dream last night. You fell asleep so he brought you in. Its 12PM."

"Ohh... Okay."

I nearly collapsed back onto my bed, but I caught myself, stood to my feet(paws), and stretched my arms out.

"I got some fruits for ya on the table, alright?" asked Gallade.

"Oookay," I yawned.

I shambled slowly to to the dining area.

I had to admit, his cave was very well set up like a humans home.

Gallade had two bedroom's across from eachother that led to the stone dining table.

A pantry crafted from the cave itself contained any food and a small waterfall provided him with water.

It was small, but cozy.

I sat down at the table and munched on the fruits in front of me.

When I was finished eating I dropped from the chair and confronted Gallade, who was sitting down across from me.

"Can we do some more training?" I asked.

His neutral frown shifted to a light smile.

"Sure. We have some more defense stuff to go over anyway."

I nodded and followed Gallade outside.

The blizzard seemed much calmer than before.

I was able to keep my eyes open at least.

"Okay. First off... We're just gonna repeat everything we did yesterday one time to see what you remembered okay?" instructed Gallade.

"Yup," I replied smugly.

Gallade attempted to hook me across the face, using his psychic ability to make his blades dull.

I put my right arm up in a 90 degree angle to block the attack.

"Counter dodge!" he ordered as he performed the attack again.

I leaned by torso backwards as he did and he made no contact.

"Safe dodge!"

He swung at me again and I almost forgot the other dodge.

I swiftly ducked down and barely missed his arm.

"Block Heavy!"

Block heavy is used when a larger opponent attacks me.

He hooked another time, and I almost blocked it in time using both arms in an X formation, but he managed to land the strike.

It didn't hurt, but I could tell he got me.

"Y'gotta be faster on that one Damian! If I were a Tyranitar you wouldn't be able to use one arm! You got this Damian, focus!"

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