Chapter 42: To Never Return

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It was over. No one had to live in fear any longer. The police locked away every Team Plasma member within the compound, including the severely injured Samantha Masters. But sadly, they were forced to lock up Lewis' father. Considering he had been a member of Team Plasma for many years.

Regardless of what Azelf, Uxie, or Mesprit said they knew there was nothing they could do. According to the human laws, Mason was just a much a criminal as the scumbag Team Plasma grunts. It was sad, but Mason suspected that due to his assistance he would get little to no punishment for his wrong doings.

The next day, everyone celebrated their victory and although celebration was quite fun, no one enjoyed the festivities as they would before everything that happened. Staraptor and the rest of Damian's team were too depressed to enjoy themselves.

After all their trainer had been taken from them and was forced to fear everything around him. They took the life of Blaziken and Lewis. There was little to be happy about anymore.

Staraptor sighed and switched her gaze to the stone floors.

"I can't believe she did it... I just can't believe it. How could anyone be so evil?" she mumbled before the other three Pokemon sitting beside her in separate chairs.

Floatzel shook his head, "We should have killed that witch. She doesn't deserve to live..."

"You got that right," Weavile croaked.

There was a short pause between the group.

"I miss Damian... I miss him so much. He doesn't have to train anymore, if only there was some way we could tell him that he's safe now," Ampharos added.

"I'm just glad he wasn't with us in the fight. Uxie made the right move getting him out of here; not saying I don't miss him or anything. And ya know what? I kinda want him to finish training. If he's gonna be a Pokemon forever he might as well just get it over with," stated Weavile.

They nodded simultaneously.

"At least we can go home, finally. I mean this place is okay but... It's not exactly home," added Ampharos.

"And when Damian comes back, everything will be back to normal right?" asked Weavile.

"Not really, I mean if he's a Riolu," said Staraptor.

There was light chuckle from all of them.

"So much for him being our trainer-"

Staraptor frowned, "He's not our trainer Weavile, he's our friend. Our family. He doesn't think of as his slaves, he thinks of us like he does John and Mary. I just... It's going to suck once he's heard the news about Blaziken. And then we have to tell him about Lewis and then the fact we fought Team Plasma without him. He's gonna be heartbroken about everything."

"Emotionally hurt as he may be, Damian is a strong and capable young man. I have much faith for his ability, and you should as well," Absol said as he approached the scene.

"Ohh hey Absol... Yeah, I guess you're right," sighed Ampharos.

Staraptor felt a fire build inside of her, "No... You're one hundred percent right, Absol. Damian has made it this far, and he's so strong. He's gone through a lot and he might be hurt or whatever but I know he'll make it through this okay."

"His persistence is what will give him the strength to carry on. Although he will be saddened by the losses of this battle, he will be relieved that he can return to his home," Absol stated.

Weavile slightly grinned, "It'll be nice to be back home again. I just wonder how Damian is gonna live if he's a Riolu."

"That was something I wanted to mention... It seemed to slip my mind," Absol huffed, "Damian and I spoke after his incident with the Team Plasma camp. Due to his regret, of course. This is when he revealed to me that he did not want to be a human if he had the chance. During our talk, I noticed something. The way he spoke almost made it seem as though he did not wish to return home. I believe that he wants to continue training and start a new life. He loves being a Pokemon and I believe I know why, now."

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