Chapter 43: Nostalgia

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I gazed upon the stars, sitting comfortably atop the mountain with Sir Greninja. It was always a relaxing spot to help get my mind off of things. It was as though an invisible being was embracing me, telling me that everything was going to be okay.

"Sir Greninja?" I queried.


"We've been looking for your sister for a really long time. Do you really think she's here?"

Sir Greninja exhaled, unsure of how to reply, "I can admit that I'm not positive. I suppose I'm being more hopeful than rational. Why do you ask?"

"I dunno... I'm just wondering why we haven't found her yet. We've searched this entire area left and right. Maybe it's time to keep moving on," I croaked.

"I see your point, but what reason would we have to leave where we are now? This place has all the resources we can use to survive. Regardless of my sister being here or not."

I went silent.

"Today, let us not talk about me. I am aware that the update two weeks ago affected you, incredibly. Perhaps now you would like to talk about it?" Sir Greninja requested.

I bit my lip, feeling a blanket of dread shroud me. This was the sixth time he's asked me talk about it, and I would simply reply "no, I'm fine". But I realized I had to get this off of my chest.

"It's hard. All this time I've lost everything and... I was wrong. They'll never run out of things to take from me. They took me from my family, they took my human life, and they took my best friend and my first Pokemon. It won't be long before they take everyone else that I love."

"Don't say that."

"But it's true-"

"IT IS NOT TRUE!" Sir Greninja sighed, "Do you realize what you're doing right now? You are awfulizing, making the situation seem worse than it needs to be. I know this is very difficult for you but you don't have to let it change who you are. They may have taken a lot from you, but look how far you've come with your life, Damian. If you never would have escaped Team Plasma, what do you think would have happened? I'll tell you... Nothing. Team Plasma would have simply continued their routine of kidnappings and whatever other devious plots they have in store. You made a change. You saved many lives for the sake of your own. And the one's you loved risked their lives to help you, because they knew you would do the same for them."

"But it doesn't change the fact that they're gone..."

"As that may be the case, Blaziken and Lewis will always be with you. One thing they wouldn't want, however... They would not want you to cry. They would want for you strivre on. To take this as a sign to never give up no matter how unfortunate the situation becomes."

I felt a tear trickle through my fur. With a soft whimper I said, "Sir Greninja? Knowing your mom is gone, how did you deal with it?"

Sir Greninja went silent for a moment, seemingly unsure of how to reply.

"I was shunned for quite a while, considering I was only a child at the time. I didn't know how to react, other than be filled with sorrow and fear. I was lonely for quite some time and every day I would cry next to my mother's body, at least for a week until I decided it was time for a burial. One month after her death and no sight of my sister, I ran into a human whom shortly became my trainer. I made friends with a Ralts who went through a similar situation as myself and... we talked and well... It made us feel better. It was good to know that despite our losses we still have many others that love and care for us."

I sniffled, "So, that Ralts was..."

"Yes, the Gallade you and I both know," he paused, "Damian? I don't say it enough but... I'm proud of how far you've come. With your training and your struggles. You always exceed my expectations and I can honestly say I havve never felt..."

"Never felt what?" I inquired.

"I've never felt more proud of anyone, not even myself. Every day I'm astounded with your progress and the way you refuse to give up no matter the feat. I understand I am strict and in some cases, even cruel. I'll admit kicking you in the head isn't exactly ethical."

I chuckled, "I'll take a kick in the head over carrying a rock for 8 hours any day."

Sir Greninja and I had a short laugh at my remark.

"Damian... I don't only think of you as my pupil, but as a very close friend and-" he paused and whirled his head around.

Sir Greninja stood up, completely alert of something I wasn't aware of.

"What's wrong?" I asked, worried.

"It's Buniot... Come on! We have to go!" he exclaimed.

Sir Greninja dropped from ledge to ledge down the mountain, myself following his path flawlessly. As I landed behind him, Sir Greninja ran full speed through the crowded forest. I was quick to follow him, somewhat keeping up with his speed.

It wasn't long before I could hear a feint yelling.

"Buniot!? Where are you!?" I exclaimed.

Suddenly, Sir Greninja was tackled to the ground by an unkown force. It became apparent that I, myself had instantly faced his struggle as well.

I could feel my cheek pressing hard into the dirt as the figure pressed its foot against my face. It wasn't long before Sir Greninja attacked my assailant and assisted me up. But just as I stood once again, we were brought down once again. Only this time with much more force.

I could feel myself being pinned down by two fighting type Pokemon and there was even a slight feeling of invisible constraint, as though a psychic type Pokemon were binding me with its powers.

I winced as I looked over at Sir Greninja who seemed to be having even more trouble than myself with this fight. I stared into his eyes as we were both put into submission. A couple of humans approached the scene.

"Great job, guys. You've really outdone yourself," I could hear one of them say.

It was shortly after that my eyes widened as I noticed a tall man holding in his hand a menacing syringe.

"Only the Greninja and Bunnelby, sir?" the man with the syringe asked as he stood over my friends.

"What do you think?" another one of the humans snapped.

The man dropped the syringe tip into a liquid of some sort and I could do nothing but panic at that point. I growled like a wil animal, and unleashed a massive energy that had been flowing throughout my body to push off the assailants. I charged the man holding the syringe and tackled him to the ground. With the syringe now in the dirt, I was quick to stamp my foot onto it. The glass scraped my paw as the syringe shattered into millions of pieces.

With another growl, I fired two consecutive aura spheres. One at the group holding down Sir Greninja, the other to help Buniot. As my blasts made contact, I was soon tackled to the ground once again. Only to find myself brought back up with the help of Buniot and Sir Greninja.

I was up and ready to fight, but Sir Greninja halted me, "Damian... I want you and Buniot to run as far away as possible."

I shook my head in stubborn hesitation, "I'm not leaving you here!"

There was a flash of movement, and before I knew it Sir Greninja kicked me across the head. The impact knocked me unconscious instantly. I could hear the feint sound of Sir Greninja and Buniot fighting off the others, then him telling Buniot to take me and leave.


I grunted through my teeth as I stood. With a wink of my eye, I noticed something was wrong. That something was TERRIBLY wrong.

"Ohh no..." I muttered.

I couldn't believe it. I refused to believe it. This couldn't be happening! There's no way in hell!

I rested my head into the cage door, releasing a short sob as I did so. I could feel the icy prison's wall press into my cheek.

With a sigh, I was quick to accept what had happened and I only knew it was a matter time before it did.

I was captured. I was a prisoner....

I had lost to the deceitful...

Team Plasma.

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