Chapter 31: Eyes in the Sky

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"How the hell did we lose him!?" Samantha Masters screamed at everyone sitting around the long meeting table.

She pounded her fist on the oak table and swore, "DAMMIT!"

The chairs were filled with the base's greatest members. Scientists, grunts, and scouts all suffering the wrath of Miss Masters. All quivering in fear at their high strung leader.

"Idiots! Do I have to capture him myself!? What is it going to take to catch this stupid kid!?" She screamed.

Everyone flinched at her outburst.

"Umm... He... He was with a Greninja and a Bunnelby. They were too fast for us-"

"Too fast!? More like you were too slow! I oughta have all of you executed for being so incompetent!"

Samantha sighed, trying to somewhat suppress her anger.

"Miss Masters... Umm... We have camps outside of The Frosty Forest and Fog Island. He'll have to come back eventually."

"And if he doesn't come back? Then what!? I'll tell you! He has more time to plan, and he'll be planning out how he's gonna ruin us."

"H-How do you know he's planning?" asked the head scientist, Greg.

Samantha looked past her anger to grin deviously.

"Isn't it obvious? He's been planning all along. Connecting with massive numbers of Pokemon... He's forming an army to take down the base and free every human and Pokemon here. We can't let that happen, so we need to be ready for whenever he decides to attack. For all we know, his escape could be a distraction for these Pokemon to strike. Oh my Arceus... I just can't believe I'm going through all this shit with one teenager. It makes mad as all hell I tell ya, " Samantha pinched her nose with her thumb and middle finger.

"Just go... Meeting dismissed. Hurry up and find his location, get the drones, send out air units, do anything. The longer he's gone, the more Pokemon he's going to recruit."

Everyone left the room in a haste, except for Greg.

"Miss Masters... I have a theory..."

"I don't have time for your conspiracies Gregory-"

"No... Please just hear me out here okay? Danny showed me some of the surveillance footage of the other subjects, and I noticed something strange. It's been occurring for nearly two months now, but he just recently discovered it," Gregory stated,

"Just spit it out already!" Samantha snapped.

"I believe that the subjects are training..."

Samantha's anger became immediate shock as he said that.


"I can show you the footage if you'd like. I can explain it better if you actually see it."

Greg began to toy with the tablet computer on the table in front of his seat and began swiping the screen, scrolling to find the surveillance.

He opened the first clip, and showed the screen to Samantha.

"Now, everything seems fine and dandy right? They're just lying about. But watch this..."

Suddenly, all of the Pokemon became alert, looking around the room, and only the Zorua spoke. A smile went across everyone's face shortly after that, and all of them were taking turns conversing.

"So what...? They're talking to each other..."

"No... See that's what I thought at first, but then... 30 minutes later this happens."

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