Chapter 13: All a Dream

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My surroundings changed completely.
In front of me were three Pokemon floating in midair.
"Good... You're awake." said the one with yellow accent on its head.
"Am I... Dead?"
"No... You suffered the effects of Zoroark's nightmare."
"I was dreaming?" I asked hoping for the correct answer.
"Yes, you were," said the yellow one.
I felt my body just to be sure I was real.
I felt solid.
"Where is everyone?" I asked.
"Your friends are recovering from their wounds," replied the pink one.
"It wasn't a dream then..."
"Staraptor has suffered the most damage, but she will manage," added the pink one.
"So you're..."
"Uxie," said the yellow one.
"Mesprit," replied the pink one.
"Azelf," added the blue one.
"How... How did I get here?"
"Absol retrieved us in the time of trouble. We transported you and your Pokemon here," replied Mesprit.
"Can I see them? Please?" I croaked.
"Certainly. Follow me," said Mesprit.
I took a moment to scan the area.
We were inside a cave, enough said.
Mesprit led me to a room with multiple beds made of wool.
Each member of the team was resting on a separate bed.
I could see Weavile arguing with one of the Blissey.
"I can walk! I'm fine okay?" he snapped.
"Please, you should stay in bed. Your injuries won't heal. Please lay down."
I cleared my throat nice and loud on purpose.
They both turned their heads to me.
"Damian! You're okay!" laughed Weavile.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I replied.
He ran to me, but Blissey stopped him.
She had quite the look on her face.
"Lay... Down," she snarled.
Weavile groaned.
"Fine! I'll lay down, okay!? Sheesh!" Weavile moped.
He got in a bed and set his gaze on me.
"I shall leave you both alone?" asked Mesprit.
"You don't have to leave if you don't wanna," I stated.
"My sisters are calling for me," Mesprit replied.
"Oh, alright. I'm just gonna catch up with Weavile here," I said.
She nodded.
"Very well. When you are finished, Tay shall escort you back to my sisters and I."
A shiny Eevee was standing by the entry to the hall.
Mesprit glide past her, then Tay the Eevee walked towards me from across the room.
"Hi, I'm Tay," she introduced.
"Damian," I replied.
I thought about her name.
Tay was interesting for a Pokémon name.
"Tay... That's kind of a..."
"A human name? I know. But I'm not a human if that's what you're thinking," she muttered.
"Yeah... I had a friend of mine. Her name was Tay Longhorn."
"Ohh..." was her only reply.
Our conversation got nowhere.
I shook my head.
"Yeah, so... You were a human though?" Tay asked.
"Mmhmm... Its a long story..."
"Y'dont gotta share if you don't want to," said Tay.
"No. I'll tell ya, its just a long story..."
I told her the same story as I did anyone else.
She seemed completely bewildered by my tale.
She kept her focus totally on me.
"...and y'know what? To this day, even with all of the crap he's put me through, I still... Think of the good times we had together."
"Oh... I'm sorry. Is he still your friend?"
"No... Not after that stunt. I just forgive him. Y'know what its like to have a friend... And they just do something like this?"
"No. I don't have any friends really," she replied in a monotone.
I looked at Tay as she shifted her eyes to the ground.
"Why not?" I asked her.
She was hesitant at first.
"Because I'm... Shiny."
"Shiny? You don't have friends because you're shiny?"
"Yeah... Well, maybe. I dunno. Everyone picks on me for it."
"You want some advice?" I asked.
Tay looked up at me.
"When they pick on you, just ignore it. They're just jealous of you! They can't be shiny, so they have to... pick on someone who is."
"Are they really jealous?" she muttered.
"Yes! And who cares if you're shiny? I don't! You're my friend!" I exclaimed.
"You... You'll be my friend?" she asked softly.
"Yeah! I'll be your friend. You seem like a nice girl, Tay."
She blushed behind her fur.
"Damian's a great guy, Tay. He doesn't befriend just anyone. He's only friendly to... The cool people," Weavile screwed that one up.
"You think I'm cool?" she asked with an even higher pitch voice.
I nodded.
"Yeah. You're a shiny Eevee, Tay! What's cooler than that!? Think of it as a blessing, not a burden. Even if everyone picks on you."
She grinned.
"That's funny."
"What is?" I asked.
"Mesprit tells me those same exact words. Its a blessing, not a burden."
There was a brief silence.
"Can we talk later about this? I'm just gonna talk to Weavile a bit okay?" I asked.
She nodded, but didn't move an inch.
"So what happened?" I asked Weavile.
"Be more specific," Weavile replied with a chuckle.
"Yesterday. Me and Staraptor separated from you guys."
"Okay, well... We had to fight and we couldn't outrun them. So we fought. We couldn't win, so Absol started a big hailstorm, we ran for it, saw you being dragged by your feet, got you, and boom, here we are," he replied.
I sighed.
"Star almost died trying to save me," I muttered softly.
As I said those words, a sense of dread shrouded over me.
"Yeah... She was beat up really bad when we found her..."
I sighed again, staring blankly at the rock ground beneath my feet.
"but she's not dead, and for anyone, to give up their own life for yours must mean you're a pretty great person eh. Ya get where I'm going here?"
I nodded slowly.
Weavile looked around the room, turning his head all around.
He made a sigh of relief and dropped one foot to the ground after the other.
As he stood up, Blissey was standing behind him, a harsh scowl being worn on her face.
Weavile sighed as he noticed me looking behind him.
"She's behind me isn't she?" he groaned.
"Yep... Pretty much."
"Rest... Now," were Blissey's only words.
Weavile groaned and collapsed onto the bed like an ignorant child.
"Uggghhhhhh..." moaned Weavile, "this is so boring!"
"I'm not telling you to rest because it's boring, I'm telling you because your leg is almost healed, but if you continue to apply pressure by standing on it, you will face extreme pain within a days use and not just pain, permanent damage. Now I will not say it again. Rest!"
Weavile moaned again.
"Hey Weavile? I'm gonna head out to see Mesprit."
"Alright... Have fun... Or good luck! I mean..."
"Yep. Later," I concluded.
I walked to Tay sitting by the tall opening to the hallway.
"Hey... You umm... Ready?" Tay asked.
Tay led me down the hallway until the 3 legendary Pokemon were in plain sight.
All of them conversing.
"Hey... Here he is..." Tay announced softly.
Azelf was the first to reply.
"Thank you Tay. Your work is appreciated. Go! Have fun."
Tay nodded and fled the room.
"Hello Damian. Ready for business?" asked Azelf.
"Yeah... So how do we do this now-"
"First off, please tell us who it is you are needing to contact exactly," said Uxie.
"My mother or my father."
"Their names are...?"
"Jonathan Glasser is my father, my mothers name is Mary Glasser."
"Damian, I need you to make a mental image of your family and your home. I'm going to view the image and find the exact location, then Mesprit is going to allow you to speak to your parents once we are sure its them," said Uxie.
"Before we start... Thank you so much. This means a lot to me. You have no idea."
They each shared a smile.
"It is no trouble," replied Mesprit.
I nodded and we started the search.
I closed my eyes and imagined my family standing outside of my house.
My sister, mom, and dad all smiling.
All happy.
"Okay Damian. I'm going to show you who I see right now. Tell me if its your family," ordered Uxie.
Uxie planted her stubby 'hand' on my forehead.
I gasped as my own vision disappeared into darkness, being followed into a clear image of my mother crying upstairs in her bedroom, my father holding my mother, and my little sister crying in her bed.
I sighed harshly at the sight.
"Angel... Mom... Dad?"
"Damian? Is it them? Is it your-"
"Yes. Yeah... It is..." I interrupted.
"Are you prepared then?" asked Mesprit.
I breathed shakily and nodded.
I was ready to cry myself.
Seeing my family in this state was very upsetting.
"Once I tell you too, begin speaking," ordered Mesprit.

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