Chapter 37: Finding a Way

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It was time. With or without Damian, it was time. The three sisters were more determined than confident as they made the decision to fight. Absol was against their plea at first and even hesitant after being informed of Lewis' death. He didn't want to see many others lose their lives and he knew there was no choice in the matter.

The ultimate question remained...

What about Damian?

Then again, what about him? Sure, he wanted to fight Team Plasma beside his new friends but this war wasn't about Damian playing with his new abilities. It was about saving lives and Damian wasn't going to return soon enough to save anyone. The Pokémon needed to take action immediately.

The news was troubling to many, for Azelf was forced to tell everyone whom deserved to know of Lewis' death. Many cried, many huffed in anger. Swellow, on the other hand, didn't know how to handle the news. He wanted to cry, but he wanted to laugh at the same time. Does that make him a terrible person?

He loved Lewis. Lewis was his trainer after all. But why does he feel so little sympathy for his passing? Is it because of Lewis' past mistakes? Swellow couldn't put his talon on the most rational answer, but he felt dreadful inside merely knowing of his expression towards his trainer's death.

The last to hear of the news was Mason, Lewis' father. He deserved to know before anyone else, but Azelf and her sisters knew it would be best to prepare ahead of time before telling him in case he made a drastic mistake.

As Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit were doing some finishing touches on the plan to raid Team Plasma's base, they were interrupted by Damian's sister, Angel.

"Uxie?" she asked in a voice soft as silk.

Uxie whirled around, as did her sisters. The three grinned at her in camaraderie.

"What is it, Angel?" Uxie asked in concern.

"This fight... Is anyone gonna get hurt in it?" Angel asked.

Uxie sighed and hovered beside the human girl before her.

"No one is going to get hurt on our watch. We have lots of friends who want to help us beat Team Plasma."

"But I've seen Team Plasma. They're mean and they don't look like they'll be easy to fight," Angel replied precociously.

Uxie nodded in confirmation and discomfort. She smiled reassuringly at the worried human girl.

"Angel, we will beat Team Plasma. You and your brother will be back together again, safe in sound. I promise."

Angel pursed her lips, unsure what to think of the promise. Although she was young, she knew what these mean people were capable of. After all, they kidnapped her brother and put her family in this life of fear and despair.

"Angel! We've been looking all over for you!" her mother exclaimed.

Angel cowered in fear of a scolding.

"She's fine Mary. She's just curious about Damian," Uxie stared into her eyes.

"And you still can't hear him?" she asked with woe.

Uxie shook her head, "Sorry. He's just too far. I'm sure he's safe wherever he is, though."

Mary sighed, "I just wanna see my son again. I hate not being with him. I just... sometimes I feel like I'm somewhat responsible for this. I-I..." Mary's eyes began to well up, "I want you to burn that place to the ground. Do whatever it takes to destroy Team Plasma. I'm tired of watching my son run all the time."

"I understand, Mary. He's a good kid and he doesn't deserve what he's going through. In about 9 months, he'll be back home."

Mary stared at the ground, "You never did tell me. Will he ever be a human again? Will I ever have my son back?"

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