Chapter 41: His Name is Mewtwo

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The toture was over, and as Greninja said the word "stop" I dropped the rock behind my back and collapsed onto the ground, panting from utter exhaustion.

I couldn't feel my arms, nor my legs for that matter. Every bone in my body felt shattered. I was only glad to be finished with the punishment.

"Get some sleep; tomorrow we'll be waking up early to try this again," stated Sir Greninja.

Not even opening my eyes, I replied with a heavy gasp, "O... Kay..."

Sir Greninja placed something next to me, but at the moment I was too tired t look at whatever it was.

"You should drink some water... Maybe next time you'll think twice before doing this again..."

I turned my head to see the bowl of water he had offered me. I used any strength I had left to pick up the bowl and hydrate myself. In seconds the water was gone, and I threw the bowl away from me.

"Have a good rest, Damian," Sir Greninja chuckled.

I managed to recover a lot faster than I expected to. Sir Greninja's orders were to go to sleep, but as much as I wanted to I knew I couldn't. After an hour of endless gasping and heaving I took slow deep breaths and lifted myself upright.

As I sat up, I stared at the blood splotches on my paws. The wounds were stinging, and it seemed as though my fur digging into them only made it worse. I then noticed another bowl of water and berries sitting beside me.

Thank Arceus! I thought I was gonna friggin' starve to death!

Before stuffing my face, I used the bowl of water to drench my paws. The cold air made me shudder, and the pain caused me to bare my fangs as I swore under my breath.

I released a guiet sigh, then began to eat the food in sitting in front of me. I made a face of disdain as the first berry I bit into was disgustingly bitter.

"Damn it... Stupid Razz berries..." I mumbled.

Much to my dismay, every berry was just as gross as the first.

This must part 2 of my punishment.

Regardless of the taste, I forced myself to eat the food. Considering I haven't eaten all day I was in no room to complain.

"Harsh, isn't he?" a strange but familiar voice said.

I whirled around, expecting someone behind me.

"Relax, I'm not there with you," the voice assured.

I swallowed the berries I was currently chewing and replied, "Hey... You're that guy who was taking over that Zoroark or whatever."

"Yes... I have noticed your curiosity about me Damian, and I do not see any harm in telling you who I am. My name is MewTwo."

"MewTwo? Did I say that right? Are you some kinda Pokemon or something?" I inquired.

"Yes, I am MewTwo; yes, you said my name correctly; and of course I am a Pokemon. You may have not heard of me because there is little evidence of my existence. You see, as I stated before I know a lot about you, Damian. I have the ability to see everything in the world as it happens, and you have peaked my interest for quite some time. But before I tell you anything else, I wan to ask you... Would you like to know the status of Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit and the many others you are associated with?"

My eyes widened, "You can see them, right now!?"

"Yes... But the news I will give you is quite troubling. Are you positive you want to hear it, now?"

My heart sunk, "Umm... How bad is it?"

He paused for a brief second, "That depends on how you perceive it."

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