Kidnapped Paramedic - matt casey

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Summary -  Caseys Girlfriend gets kidnapped during a call

Inspired by season 3 ep 11

Tw: kidnapping, blood, surgery

Me and Brett were looking around in the alleyway for the person we're were supposed to pick up when a car blocked the exit.
"I'll go tell them to move" I told Brett. She nodded and I jogged over to the car before knocking on the window. The guy in the car rolled the window down

"Hi, I'm sorry to interrupt but the ambulance needs to get out this way" the guy in the other side opens his door and holds a gun up, pointing it at me. I look down at the guy in front of me who's now also pointing a gun at me through the window

"Put your radios on the floor" I stood there frozen

"Now!" He growls. I get out of my daze

"Yeah, s-sorry" I take it off and put hand it to him.

"Move back" I take a few steps back and he gets out of the car throwing the radios on the floor and stepping on it until it breaks

"You too" the other guy points the gun at Brett and steps on her radio too

"Get in the car" I shake my head moving back

"P-please" he grabs the back of my neck and tilts my head up to him

"Get. In. the. car" I nod mutely and get in once he's let go of me, the other guy follows behind me, making sure I don't run off and gets in the car and we speed off

"This is kidnapping you know?" The guy at the front passenger seat laughs
"I'm being serious. You can go jail for something like this" His laugh turns to a growl and he turns around before punching me on the cheek. When he manoeuvres his body back his knee clicks a button

"What the fuck did you do?" The guy driving presses buttons trying to figure out what's going on

"Control this!"

"You pressed the button!" all of a sudden the drivers loosing control of the wheel and is heading for a giant gate

Caseys POV

Everyone at 51 excluding the paramedics were sitting at the table playing cards when Brett came rushing in

"She's gone!" We all turn to her

"Brett? Who's gone?" I already knew the answer. She was the only one not here

"Iris. We went to a fake call and 2 guys got out of the car and put a gun to her head and took her" my eyes teared up as she told me this and I turned around lifting my head in the air

"She can't - she can't be gone" severide walked around the table and put his hand on my shoulder

"We will find her. We're gonna go out and look"

We called the police and we have all been scouting around for them

"Whoa what's this" jay halstead parks his car and we get out and go under the open gate

"Fuck" jay pulls out his hun and we slowly walk to the car. I check the back seats and then the front

"What do you got?" Jay asks me after getting of the phone to more officers

"Nothing. Everything's empty. Looks like everyone made it out"
"Where the fuck is she!?"

Iris's POV

"I-I can't do this with a gun to my head. P-please lower it. I don't want him to die" he puts it directly on my head

"Do it. Or you will die" I nod slowly and carry on cutting through his skin

"His hematoma's recollecting" I say touching his neck

"I thought you fixed him"

"He needs medical attention"

"Isn't that your job?!"

"I'm a paramedic, not a doctor you need to get him to a er"

"This is your fault anyways with your smart ass words. Fix him or I'll put a bullet in your head!" I look down at the lump on the guys neck

"The lump on your guys neck is due to eternal bleeding. As it grows it presses on his trachea and that's what's causing the difficulty in breathing. It's only gonna get worse"

"Then cut it open again"

"That's only a temporary fix. Look. Your gonna die unless you get this bleed tied off. You need to get to the hospital" I say talking to the other guy

"We might as well walk into a police station"

"No hospitals" the guy hurt says confirming it

"Your gonna die. Please. I don't want you to die" the guys phone rings and he struggles with the decision whether he should answer the call

"Can't you tie off the bleed?"

"No. I don't know. Maybe?" I stop for a moment
"If I do this. Can you let me go? Please"

"Okay. Deal"

"This is gonna hurt. Like a lot okay?"
"I'm gonna go quick" he nodded up at me and I poured the alcohol over the knife and cut the
Incision in his neck. The blood immediately started pouring out and i opened his flesh and put the clamp in
"It's done" he grabs my arm pulling me further into the building
"Y-you said you would let me go" I struggled against him

"Talk again. I fucking dare you" he says pressing the gun but to my head. We heard the door open and he held me tighter

"CHICAGO PD DONT MOVE DROP YOUR WEAPON" the guy I was with moved backwards into the middle of the room while the cops surrounded us

"Let her go" I looked over to Casey who was behind them with fear filled eyes
"P-please let me go" I whispered to him

"What did I say!?" He said pressing on my head

"Let the girl go and no one gets hurt" jay says. All of a sudden the man next to me was on the floor. I release a long breath and Matt rushes over to me

"Iris? Are you okay?" I move his arms and bring him in for a hug

"H-he told me to help this guy. I-I had to and he almost died" I say crying into his chest.


Me and Matt sat on the sofa watching tv. He had his arm over my shoulder and his fingertips were brushing up and down my arm

"Thank you for being there" I mumble

"I'll always be there. Whenever you need. I love you" I look up at him with a smile

"I love you too" he laughs leaning down to kiss me

The end

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