Spiked - Will halstead

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Summary: imagine getting spiked whilst at Molly's and your body not reacting good to it

It started off as a normal day. Me and my friends shay and dawson were hanging around at their bar Molly's drinking my fruity drink cause i didn't like the taste of dark ones when i started to feel bad.

Really bad.

I took a glance down at my drink and my throat tightened.

I need to call will

"Going bathroom" I tried to get out the words as best I could but they still ended up looking at me funny. I got off the chair before it got worse and rushed into the bathroom and locking myself in the closest stall.

My hands, that didn't even feel mine anymore, we're trying to work the stupid buttons on my phone but I eventually got Will on the other line after a few failed attempts.



"Will help lease'" I slurred

"Maddie what's wrong?"

"Spiked drink" I tried to keep my sentences short so he could understand better

"Mads. Where are you?"

"Molly's bathroom"

"I'm on my way Maddie don't leave okay, il be there in just over 5 minutes" the line went dead and I brought my knees to my chest

My abdomen was burning and I was sweating profusely, clutching my stomach and trying to shake myself out of this daze. I looked up through my tear filled eyes at the door like I  had x ray vision and could see who walked in

"Mads" I let a sob escape at his words


"Mads open the door" I scooted back from it and opened the door from my spot on the floor. He glanced down and my sweating, shaking self and rushed down to my level

"Mads? What's going on?" I shook my head rocking back and forth

"M-my stomach. Hurts s' bad Will" I got on my knees and rocked forward letting out a whimper when the pain gets worse. He went down to my level bringing me close to him

"Maddie, I think I need to get you to a hospital" I shook my head

"Maddie i think the person that did this gave you too much, you might be overdosing" my hand clutched onto will's feeling myself slipping from consciousness


Will's POV

"Maddie!" I caught her as she went limp in my arms and immediately went into action. I picked her up and moved her out of the toilet and put her against the sink sitting up. Once she was up I rushed outside the bathroom and over to Hermann

"Hermann call an ambulance" he looked at me surprised

"What happened?"

"Maddie was spiked, I think she's overdosing" I rushed back in there to tend to her and check for any injury's

"Maddie, Maddie"

A few minutes the familiar sound of sirens sounded in my ears and I rushed out of my space on the floor next to her and picked her up. Everyone watched me as I rushed out of the toilet with her in my arms and the paramedics met me halfway. I put her on the bed

"She was spiked, I think she's overdosing" the paramedic looked at me and nodded

"We'll take her to med. you coming?" I nod following after them as they wheeled Maddie off into the truck, leaving confused people in the bar

I rushed in the med and i immediately tried to get in the room

"Will, Will you know you can't go in there" I stopped in front of the arm of Maggie. I sighed looking down

"This is my fault Maggie" I huffed. She turned to me and frowned

"I was gonna come to Molly's too, but I was running late, if I was there- gosh if I was there, this wouldn't have happened" she wrapped her arm around me waist and pulled me close to her

"Will this is not your fault, nothing you could've done would have stopped this" I knew that wasn't true but I knew I couldn't wallow in pity here

"Thanks mags" I squeezed her shoulder lightly before going and waiting in the waiting room for her to be done

Maddie POV

My eyes opened, straining at the bright light reflecting on the walls. Once I looked around I sighed remembering why I'm here. My eyes scanned the room for Will, finally seeing him on a chair next to my bed with my hand in his, his head was on the bed sleeping.

I felt bad for having him come to the hospital although he wasn't on shift so I let him sleep to catch up with any tiredness he missed out on whilst worrying about me.


"Mads" I looked away from the ceiling to Will who just woke up

"Will" I smiled hearing his voice

"Your okay?" I nodded and he smiled taking my word over what the doctor said. I moved over in the bed and patted the seat next to me 

"No" he shook his head and I sighed leaning my head back

"Please, it will help me feel better" he sighed with a small smile gracing his lips and took his coat and shoes off before joining me. I put my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat whilst his arms were around my shoulder

"I thought I was gonna lose you" he mumbled. I looked up at him before leaving over and kissing his cheek

"You can't get rid of me that quickly"

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