Drinking - Elijah mikaelson

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Summary: imagine getting scared when Elijah drinks not knowing he can't get drunk

Tw: past abuse

Me and Elijah have been at the bar/ restaurant for around an hour and slowly more and more of our friends joined us

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Me and Elijah have been at the bar/ restaurant for around an hour and slowly more and more of our friends joined us. The Mikaelsons and Salvatores joined and Elena, bonnie and Caroline came with us as well. We didn't mind because we wasn't having a date or anything and we liked the idea of drinking with friends. Well he did. He liked drinking with friends I liked hanging with friends. Whenever someone would drink alcohol would scare me, and I would have to watch carefully, ready for when they lash out. But I can't watch over 5 people at the same time and I can't stop myself from getting scared in this situation so I had to remove myself entirely

"Guys, I think I'm gonna head home" their eyes all snapped to me breaking out into protests
"I know but I have.. an essay to write and it's not gonna do itself" I give Elijah's hand a squeeze and move up of my seat

"Ayla" Elijah called, turning me by my waist to stand in front of him

"Yes lijah?" I ask cautiously staring down at him

"Stay, please Ayla" I was surprised by his lack of slurring words, in fact he was acting completely sober and I was happy about that

"Okay" I sighed

"I'll stay" he smiled up at me and i sat down back on my seat next to Elijah

"Ayla, baby? Are you okay?" I tore my eyes from Elena and bonnie who were getting more drunk and looked at Elijah

"Yeah I'm okay, you?" His eyes scanned mine trying to figure out what's going in but I let nothing slip.

"I'm good too" he kissed my temple and I turned my eyes back to Elena and bonnie who's drinks were starting to effect them. I couldn't handle being around anyone drunk. Male or female they both have equal chances of hurting me.

"What's with the scared face?" Caroline asked. I looked away from them to her, going to talk but I was cut off

"She has a problem" bonnie giggles nudging Elena

"Remember? bonnie, Caroline. That special problem she has" her and bonnie started giggling and my eyes widened as that got the attention of everyone else on the table.

"Shit, Ayla I'm sorry about them" Caroline whispered to me finally getting at where they're coming from and I shrugged my shoulders. Everyone else turned away to not act like they were listening but I knew they were

"It's not their fault" it the alcohols. It's always the alcohols fault.

"Ayla?" I hum and lean my head on Elijah's shoulder
"What did bonnie mean?" His tone was a bit darker and I couldn't decipher whether this was his usual tone or a drunken one, so I moved away from him and stood up

"They're just being silly. I'll see you tomorrow Elijah" he nodded, looking at me and waiting for a kiss but I couldn't, I couldn't be so close to someone that could make me vulnerable in a matter or seconds.

I sighed walking out of the bathroom after getting in a shower and I jumped seeing Elijah sitting on my bed, looking at me

"Ive been waiting to see if your okay" he stands up off the bed and moves closer to me, I stand still to scared to move or do anything that could make him angry

"Y-yeah I'm okay" he traces his hand over my face and I tense up

"Darling? What's got you so scared?" tears well up in my eyes and I shake my head

"Nothing" I croak out. He looks at my eyes and a sad expression crosses his face
"Please don't hurt me!" I rush out moving back away from him as an instinct. He stays where his is to scared to move closer to me

"what is going on? I won't hurt you. Look" he holds his arms out and moves forward before embracing me. I wrap my arms around him before being racked with a sob

"I-Im sorry Elijah" he frowns pulling me away from him look at me

"You need to tell me what's got you in a state. Is this about what bonnie said earlier?" I nod
"Well what is it about?" I keep my mouth shut not wanting to tell him, after I've still not figured out how intoxicated he is
"Darling, i will never hurt you if that's what your thinking" I sniffled looking up having known he wouldn't from all along but not wanting to admit it. I walked around him to the bed and got under the covers and opened them for Elijah to join me. He listened and moved under the covers and cuddled me to his chest

"My dad. He uh- was a big drinker. And when he would come home from somewhere drunk he would hurt me and lock me in my room. S-so-"
"So when you saw everyone drinking you got scared something similar would happen" he finished for me. I nodded
"Darling, vampires can't get drunk unless they have about 5 bottles worth of alcohol. And even if that happened, I would never ever lay a hand on you. Being drunk isn't an excuse to hit anyone, because the side effects don't include anger or resentment. That was just your father being a dick, and if i ever see him-" I cut him off with a giggle and moved up to kiss him

"I'm sorry" I whispered
"I was just worried about what might happen i didn't even think to consider the fact you guys are vampires"

"And you had a right to be, no child should of had to go through what you did. Your an amazing person darling, don't forget that" he muttered pressing a kiss to the top of my head

"Thank you Lijah"

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