Cereal? - kelly severide

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Summary : imagine waking up to Kelly severide making breakfast

Tw: slight smut, burning food

I flipped over in the bed and held my arm out to reach out to Kelly. But when my arm doesn't come into contact with him, just bedsheets I get confused. I rub my eyes getting rid of the sleep and then I stand up moving the covers off me.

My body immediately shivers from the change in temperature and I look around for something to put over my vest and shorts. My eyes meet the floor where I find a long sleeve shirt hanging over a chair. I smile walking towards it and it gets even wider once it's on and I can smell Kelly all over it. I slowly walk out of the door and down the stairs till I see Kelly standing at the kitchen stove cooking something. I walk closer to him unnoticed until I slowly wrap my arms around him from behind

"Hey baby" I lean my head on his back until he turns around


"Your wearing my shirt" he points out

"Sorry. I was cold and it was there" I say quietly

"It's okay baby" he places his lips on mine before
"It looks better on you anyways" I blush crimson and he laughs turning away
"Your cute when you do that babe" he turns the stove down and turns back to face me

"What are you cooking?" He leans down to my level and brings his face close to mine

"Pancakes" he mumbles against my lips. I smile and put my hands around the back of his neck bringing him closer to me. He puts his arms around my waist and moves his body straight so my feet are off the ground. I wrap one leg around his waist and then the other to bring him closer to me. He walks backwards till I'm sitting on the counter with him as close to me as possible. I detach my lips from his letting myself get much needed oxygen and he uses that to start kissing down my neck. My mouth opens in a silent moan and I grip onto his hair pulling it lightly. Kelly groans against my skin and I verbally moan at the feeling

"Kelly" I feel him smirk against my skin and my moves his mouth up to mine trapping me in a heated kiss

"Oh my gosh" shay mutters. I move my face from Kelly's and put my head on his shoulder in embarrassment. Kelly laughs at me and looks down at my embarrassed self

"Hi shay"

"Hey shay" I mutter.

"I'm just here to get some juice. You can go back to whatever your doing now" she waves her hand around

"Okay shay" Kelly laughs. She exits the room and as soon as she's gone Kelly's on cloud 9 with laughter

"Don't laugh at me"

"Sorry baby. You just get so flustered and embarrassed it's cute" I put his face in my hands

"Your cute too" I whisper against his lips. He tugs on my waist trying to get me impossibly closer

Beep beep beep

Kelly frantically turns around to see smoke and a burned pancake. His hands move frantically trying to get rid of the smoke and turn off the cooker

"Some firefighter" I mutter jokingly. He turns around with a playful glare and crashes his lips onto mine

"So cereal?"

Multi-Fandom Imagines ✔️ | 1 - Chicago fire - twilight - avengers - teen wolfWhere stories live. Discover now