Hurt - embry call

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Summary: imagine helping Leah out with a newborn cause she looked like she was struggling but getting hurt in the process

Disclaimer: I'm pretending that she shifted with clothes on because the fact of her being nude in front of everyone creeps me out a bit

Disclaimer: I'm pretending that she shifted with clothes on because the fact of her being nude in front of everyone creeps me out a bit

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The pack was lurking around everywhere, spread out so they can compose themselves after the previous fight. I was new to this whole werewolf thing having only shifted a few weeks ago so I wasn't sure if I would be able to even fight today, and with the fact I was very significantly smaller than all the other wolves, Sam was very reluctant to let me fight today. But he had to let me, they needed as much help as they could get with a whole army coming for Bella

I was walking out of the trees into the field where we just previously fought when I saw a vampire walk out from the rocks behind Leah

Leah behind you! Run! I mind linked her. She growled doing the opposite of what I said and ran into the direction of the vampire and tried fighting him off

"Leah! Don't!" I heard Edward shout. I could see she was at a disadvantage with the vampires arms around her neck so I ran forward as fast as I could before grabbing him with my teeth and moving him away from her. He got out of my teeth using my smaller size as an advantage and rolled us around on the floor successfully wrapping his arms around me. I snapped my head around and tried clawing at him with my teeth but he put more pressure on me, squeezing my bones till they cracked. I let out a painful whimper dropping to the floor shifting as the rest of the pack took care of him. I screamed out in agony, feeling the sharp pains shoot through my whole body

"Aurora, hold on, Carlisle gonna take care of you" Carlisle put his cold hand on my back helping me roll over

"Please, please make it stop" I whispered, as hot tears ran down my cheeks

"The bones on the right side of her body are shattered" the wolves transformed back and turned the corner rushing up to me, Embry before the rest

"Em" I whispered as he held his hand out to me and kneeled down beside me. I put my hand in his whimpering as the pain continued

"Aurora you idiot I had it!"

"Leah!" Sam scolded

"We need to set the bones before her accelerated healing kicks in, it's already starting" I let out an ear piercing scream causing all supernatural. Hell, even Bella to cover their ears and wince at the pain in my voice

"We need to get her out of here. We're not gonna win a fight with the volturi"

"We will take her to billy's. Her mum doesn't know any of this"

"I'll be there as soon as I can" Carlisle nodded. Embry stood up from beside me reaching out for my hand

"Em?" I whispered, he looked down at me with a soft expression

"Don't go" he shook his head

"I'm right here, I'm staying with you" the Cullens walked away and the pack came and stood around me ready to pick me up

"No" I whispered. I knew them moving me like this will be like death. I couldn't do it
"Please, please no." They all looked down at me with sorrowful expressions and although they were all hurt by this Embry looked absolutely devastated, like it was him in my place and not me. They crouched down and moved their hands underneath me, lifting me up. Ear shattering screams left my lips after having all of them put pressure on me and they all whispered their own sorry's not liking to see me like this.

"We got you, we got you" my whimpering and cries didn't die down to a point where they were all releasing their own set of tears


"Stop, please" I whispered using my now scratchy, hoarse to tell Carlisle who was only half way through re breaking my bones.

"I'm gonna have to re break them again Aurora if this doesn't get done now" I heard the clicking of a lock and watched as Embry walked in from standing outside with the rest of the pack

"Aurora" he frowned taking in my sweaty state

"Em" I sobbed out. He knelt below the bed I was put in and put his hand on my face brushing any stray hairs away

"Baby, if this doesn't happen it's gonna be ten times worse the next time"

"I can't, it hurts so bad em" I whimpered

"I know, baby, I know. And your so strong, do you hear me? The strongest person I know"

"Stronger than you?" He laughs and leans forward to plant a kiss on my forehead

"Hell yeah" he mumbled against my skin. When he pulled away he looked into my eyes telling me all he needs to without any words exchanged between us

"I'm gonna hold that against you. You know that?" He lets out a small laugh and shakes his head

"I don't doubt it"

"Go outside em, I'll see you once it's done. I love you" I knew he couldn't stand to be in the same room knowing there's nothing he could do and he would most likely have a go at Carlisle for harming his imprint in spare of the moment so he had to wait for me to be done with this

"I love you too" he stood up and made his way out of the door and I watched it shut behind him, rattling the few pictures hanging on the wall

"I'm ready" I whispered to Carlisle who felt around my right side before abruptly breaking my rib and making me abrupt a scream. My head fell flat against the pillow letting out noises you think you would only hear from a horror film except he was helping me.

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