Flu - edward cullen

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Summary: imagine having the flu and Edward taking care of you

Tw: illness - flu

I whimpered pushing the covers off my double bed sighing in release at the cold breeze hitting my hot skin and crying in pain as the movement sent sudden aches all throughout my body

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I whimpered pushing the covers off my double bed sighing in release at the cold breeze hitting my hot skin and crying in pain as the movement sent sudden aches all throughout my body.

That's all it's been the past 3 days

Barely being able to move unless it's to throw up of go to the bathroom to go toilet and even then it was a struggle

I could barely make my own food or do anything myself and since my mother works all hours that include sunlight, she hasn't had time to really check up on me. Just leaving me a plate of food and snacks for the day with a cup of water that would just be thrown up later

I've barely had enough energy to even reach out for my phone, no matter how quick the pain would be just reaching for it I didn't have the will to put myself through the seconds of torture

There was a knock on my window, but I couldn't sit up and see who it is. Not that I didn't know, it was Edward. But my window was open and he could climb in if he really wanted. Not that he hasn't millions of times before

As I thought the window slid open and I heard the movements of him stepping in

"Lily" when I didn't answer he moved around the bed and sat in front of me

"I've been calling and messaging you, I've been worried. You just stopped coming to school 3 days ago" my eyes opened and his narrowed into mine taking in the red, puffiness eyes that are full with unshed tears

"What's wrong?" Like he jinxed me a cough ran through me and I had to have him help me sit up to actually cough

"I'm Sorry. Im ill and I didn't have enough energy to answer" I whisper as that was the only noises my body allowed me to make at that time. He helped me move back to my laying position on the bed

"Babe I'm sorry" he whispered moving strands of hair that were stuck to my sweaty forehead
"Your really hot babe" he whispered with his eyebrows furrowed in deep worry

"I'm okay, I'm only on day 3 so it could last up to another 4 days" before I knew it I felt the familiar sensation of my breakfast come up my throat and I guess Edward saw the expression on my face because he picked me up and sped to the toilet, passing my messy room that hasn't been cleaned since before I got ill which, now that I think of it is embarrassing for him to see. He lent me next to the toilet while I emptied my food contents and he got a hair-tie from a box and wrapped my hair in it, keeping it away from my face

I panted as I was now dry heaving and they eventually turned into sobs, wanting this whole thing to be over already

"Hey, hey" Edward whispered leaning me on him on the bathroom floor, with his cold self helping me cool down in the slightest

"I don't want this anymore" he rubbed circles on my arm comfortingly before helping me up to the sink, and helped me brush my teeth

Once I was back on the bed and my warm body met the warm sheets I immediately frowned feeling myself heat up even more

"I can't" I whispered sitting up. Edward sat in the middle of the bed with me

"Can't what baby?"

"Can't lay here" I started fanning myself

"It's too hot" the removal of clothes brought my attention and I looked to see Edward taking his shirt of.

"Here, lay with me" I shuffled back to the head of the bed with him and leant my hot body on his, sighing in relief at the contact.

After a few minutes of comforting whispers from Edward I finally fell asleep welcoming the darkness threatening to take over


My eyes opened looking around for Edward who I'm now thinking I imagined being here with me, but those thoughts stopped when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs of my house followed by my door opening

"Good your awake" Edward smiled and walked in the room with a whole jug full of water and a Sandwich
"Carlisle gave me some Tylenol to give you but you need to eat first, and I also don't want you to get dehydrated seen as you threw up most of your fluids" he placed the stuff on my bedside table but placed the sandwich in my lap before sitting close to me.

I pushed the sandwich away not wanting it

"I don't want it" I placed my head on his shoulder

"Lily, baby you have to. You have to eat something" I shake my head feeling a tear roll down my cheek

"I don't want to throw up. I don't want to"

An upset expression crosses his face

"Baby please, I know you hate it but if you don't eat then you won't get any better. Please?" I sniffled looking into his pleading eyes before giving in
"Okay" I whispered accepting the sandwich. He leaned forward placing a kiss on my forehead then my cheek, other one, and to my lips

But before his lips touched mine I backed my face away

"Your gonna get ill" he laughed shaking his head before kissing me like he planned to the first time

"Vampires can't get ill baby. One of its perks" I was glad he at least found something that made being a vampire a bit Worthwhile for him even if it was this

"Hm lucky you" I muttered taking my Tylenol with water and laying back on the bed and putting my arms around his neck

"I know... you'll be better soon." He whispered moving his arms around my waist to hold me closer to him

"I hope so" I whispered kissing in between his collar and neck

"Thank you for helping me Edward"

"I'll do anything for my best girl" he said back looking down at me with pure adoration that made my body heat up even more against his cold body

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